Removal of Content Advisory - April 2024

Advisory to Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) containers users: As of the beginning of April 2024, all support assets for Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) containers will be removed from the DTC website. Users should download all reference materials of interest prior to April 2024.

NWP Containers Online Tutorial | Running on the cloud > Access AWS EC2 on Windows

Accessing an EC2 Instance on your Windows Machine

There are a few different ways to access a terminal-type environment on a Windows machine. Below are a few of the most common methods.  Users can first create their EC2 Instance as described in the online procedures, then use one of the options below to access their instance on their Windows machine. 

After downloading and installing WSL, you can access and run a native Linux environment directly on your Windows machine. In the WSL terminal window you can then run all of the Linux/Mac tutorial procedures as-is.

Using PuTTY requires a user to convert their .pem key file to the PuTTY format .ppk file using the PuTTYgen application.  Then use the PuTTY GUI to connect to the instance with the newly created .ppk file.  This will launch a terminal window connected to your EC2 instance.

With MobaXTerm installed you can open a MobaXterm terminal window and connect directly using same provided instructions for Linux/Mac with your .pem file. You can also use the GUI to log into your instance as well.  Examples can be found online demonstrating the GUI.