Removal of Content Advisory - April 2024

Advisory to Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) containers users: As of the beginning of April 2024, all support assets for Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) containers will be removed from the DTC website. Users should download all reference materials of interest prior to April 2024.

NWP Containers Online Tutorial | Derecho Case (29 Jun 2012) > Set up environment

Set Up Environment

To run the Derecho case, first establish the environment for the case study.
If you have not already done so, navigate to the top-level experiment directory (where you have downloaded the container-dtc-nwp directory) and set the environment variables PROJ_DIR and PROJ_VERSION.

tcsh bash
cd /home/ec2-user
setenv PROJ_DIR `pwd`
setenv PROJ_VERSION 4.1.0
cd /home/ec2-user
export PROJ_DIR=`pwd`
export PROJ_VERSION="4.1.0"
Then, you should set up the variables and directories for the Derecho experiment
For tcsh: For bash:
setenv CASE_DIR ${PROJ_DIR}/derecho
export CASE_DIR=${PROJ_DIR}/derecho
mkdir -p ${CASE_DIR}
cd ${CASE_DIR}
mkdir -p wpsprd wrfprd gsiprd postprd pythonprd metprd metviewer/mysql

Extra step for singularity users

Users of singularity containerization software will need to set a special variable for temporary files written by singularity at runtime:

tcsh bash
setenv TMPDIR ${PROJ_DIR}/derecho/tmp
export TMPDIR=${PROJ_DIR}/derecho/tmp
mkdir -p ${TMPDIR}