June 7 - Monday, Day 1 (All times shown are in MDT)
09:00 am Welcome - Jamie Wolf (DTC)
09:40 am Overview of DTC cloud/container capabilities - Mike Kavulich, Jr. (DTC)
10:10 am Case Overview - Michelle Harrold (DTC)
10:30 am Break
11:00 am Logging on to AWS - Kate Fossell (DTC)
11:30 am Hands-on practice with DTC cloud/container capabilities - Michelle Harrold (DTC)
12:00 pm Lunch
01:00 pm Continued: Hands-on practice with DTC cloud/container capabilities
02:00 pm Breakout #1
- What are your you first/initial impressions of the tutorial?
- From what you have seen so far, do you envision this material being useful for teaching students about an end-to-end NWP system? If not, what are the limiting factors? What are the most complicating factors?
- Do you have lab classes with accessible computers (desktops, laptops) where hands-on learning activities could be conducted?
- Do you envision using the end-to-end containerized system on the cloud or on a local desktop/laptop/cluster? Or both?
- If you are executing these tools on a local machine, is it Windows, Linux, or Mac?
- If you were to use the cloud computing approach (not a local desktop/laptop) would there be interest in a system that removes the container aspect and simply launches an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) instance?
- Are their certain components that could be more/less helpful in your curriculum?
02:40 pm Outbrief for Breakout #1
03:00 pm End of day
June 8 - Tuesday, Day 2
09:00 am Current curriculum approaches - Tom Guinn (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University)
09:20 am Current curriculum approaches - John Mejia (Desert Research Institute)
09:40 am Q&A on current curriculum approaches
09:50 am Testimonial #1 - Sam Ng (Metropolitan State University-Denver)
10:10 am Testimonial #2 - John Allen (Central Michigan University)
10:30 am Q&A on testimonials
10:40 am Break
11:10 am Breakout #2
- Given your experience to this point with these tools, what are the steps needed to begin integrating this type of material into your classroom?
- What would be the biggest hurdles/deterrents to using this in your class? (e.g. docker syntax/knowledge, cloud access/cost, etc)
- Is this something you think could be integrated into your current course curriculum? Or would you need to design a new course to cover this type of material?
- If you don't currently teach NWP, does this material provide you a decent stepping stone for setting up a curriculum?
- At what level of instruction could this content be integrated into course curriculum? (undergrad mixed level, undergraduate senior level, graduate intro level, etc)
- Would you recommend any prerequisites prior to covering this material in a course, especially with regard to experience in Unix?
- Would you find recorded instructional videos helpful?
- Would you like to partner with NCAR for guest lectures during the semester?
11:50 am Outbrief for Breakout #2
12:20 pm Lunch
01:20 pm Demonstration of customization options - Michelle Harrold (DTC)
02:00 pm Hands-on practice: Customization of Case #1, Run new case
03:00 pm End of day
June 9 - Wednesday, Day 3
09:00 am Introduction to AWS Academy/Educate - Mike Bryant and John Bjerke (AWS)
10:00 am Breakout #3
- Did you find the tutorial comprehensive in nature? If not, what was missing?
- Would incorporating this into your classroom require financial resources (beyond what is needed if cloud computing is used)?
- Would you look to go beyond the three provided cases?
- What type of customization would you be interested in for your classroom experience?Can you envision unique ways to go beyond the simple end-to-end exercises?
- Would customizing to a domain over your area increase interest?
- Would you be interested in collaborating with other universities during the semester (perhaps creating a multi-institution ensemble?)
- What is the most appealing aspect of this type of system (e.g. containers to run on cloud or laptop or other, running on cloud, no build issues, etc)
- Any other feedback?
11:00 am Break
11:30 am Outbrief for Breakout #3
12:10 pm Discussion: Next steps
12:40 pm Lunch
01:40 pm Help Desk / Open Forum: Hands on practice; Specific questions
03:00 pm End of Day