The plotting scripts are under the directory $SR_WX_APP_TOP_DIR/regional_workflow/ush/Python
Change to the script directory
Load the appropriate python environment for Cheyenne,
module load ncarenv
ncar_pylib /glade/p/ral/jntp/UFS_SRW_app/ncar_pylib/python_graphics
If you see something like:
Do you wish to add it to the registry (y/N)?
This will occur if this is the first time you have used the NCAR Python Library (NPL), type y, to get the following output:
Now using NPL virtual environment at path:
Use deactivate to remove NPL from environment
Run the python plotting script (Estimated time: 5 minutes)
Here is the plotting script, and six command line arguments are:
- 2019061500 is cycle date/time in YYYYMMDDHH format,
- 6 is the starting forecast hour
- 12 is the ending forecast hour
- 6 is the forecast hour increment
- The top level of the experiment directory is /glade/scratch/$USER/expt_dirs/test_CONUS_25km_GFSv15p2
- /glade/p/ral/jntp/UFS_SRW_app/tools/NaturalEarth is the base directory of the cartopy shapefiles
Display the output figures
The output files (in .png format) can be found in the directory /glade/scratch/$USER/expt_dirs/test_CONUS_25km_GFSv15p2/2019061500/postprd.
The png files can be found using ls command after changing to that directory:
ls *.png
10mwind_conus_f012.png 2mt_conus_f006.png qpf_conus_f012.png slp_conus_f006.png
250wind_conus_f006.png 2mt_conus_f012.png refc_conus_f006.png slp_conus_f012.png
250wind_conus_f012.png 500_conus_f006.png refc_conus_f012.png uh25_conus_f006.png
2mdew_conus_f006.png 500_conus_f012.png sfcape_conus_f006.png uh25_conus_f012.png
The png file can be displayed by the command display:
Here is an example plot of 10m surface wind at F006:
Running with batch script
(Estimated time: 25 min wall time for 48 forecast hours, every 3 hours)
There are some batch scripts under the same directory with the python scripts. If the batch script is being used to run the plotting script, multiple environment variables need to be set prior to submitting the script besides the python environment:
For bash:
export EXPTDIR=/glade/scratch/$USER/expt_dirs/test_CONUS_25km_GFSv15p2
For csh/tcsh:
setenv EXPTDIR /glade/scratch/$USER/expt_dirs/test_CONUS_25km_GFSv15p2
The HOMErrfs gives the location of regional workflow and EXPTDIR points to the experiment directory (test_CONUS_25km_GFSv15p2). In addition, the account to run the batch job in needs to be set. You might wish to change the FCST_INC in the batch script for different plotting frequency, and increase the walltime to 25 minutes (for 48 forecast hours, every 3 hours).
Then the batch job can be submitted by the following command:
The running log will be in the file $HOMErrfs/ush/Python/plot_allvars.out when the job completes.
The output files (in .png format) will be located in the same directory as the command line run: $EXPTDIR/2019061500/postprd