UFS Medium-Range Weather (MRW) Practical Session Guide | Session 3: Post-processing. > 5. make and run the files

In the $HOME/UFS_training/my_ufs_sandbox/src/post/parm directory, create the flat text files.


Running make calls the perl program PostXMLPreprocessor.pl, which checks for any modified xml files and re-creates the flat text configuration files where changes were found. The new files generated for this example include:


In order to run the MRW post-processing with these new customized flat text files, you will need to copy or link them to the following location from the top level of your case directory.

cp postxconfig-NT-GFS.txt $CASEROOT/SourceMods/src.ufsatm/
cp postxconfig-NT-GFS-F00.txt $CASEROOT/SourceMods/src.ufsatm/

Check that the workflow recognizes the flat text files in the new directory location by previewing the namelist before re-running UPP.

cd $UFS_SCRATCH/ufs-mrweather-app-workflow.c96
Using $UFS_SCRATCH/ufs-mrweather-app-workflow.c96/SourceMods/src.ufsatm/postxconfig-NT-GFS.txt for post-processing
Using $UFS_SCRATCH/ufs-mrweather-app-workflow.c96/SourceMods/src.ufsatm/postxconfig-NT-GFS-F00.txt for post-processing

When running the workflow, CIME first looks in the ${CASEROOT}/SourceMods/src.ufsatm directory for the UPP parameter file(s) and uses them for the post-processing. If there are no flat text files present in this directory, then the default parameter file(s) in the pre-configured location are used.

UPP output from the initial case run (Session 1) is located in $CASEROOT/run with the naming convention:


If you would like to keep the previous UPP output to compare, copy it to a new name or directory so it does not get overwritten.

Rerun the UPP job to output the new field and/or levels.

./case.submit --only-job case.gfs_post

You can check the new UPP output using a simple wgrib2 command. For example, to check that the new SPFH height levels were added:

wgrib2 run/GFSPRS.GrbF12 | grep SPFH
773:38125949:d=2019082900:SPFH:20 m above ground:12 hour fcst:
776:38348160:d=2019082900:SPFH:30 m above ground:12 hour fcst:
779:38573297:d=2019082900:SPFH:40 m above ground:12 hour fcst:
782:38800697:d=2019082900:SPFH:50 m above ground:12 hour fcst:
786:39055090:d=2019082900:SPFH:80 m above ground:12 hour fcst:
791:39396135:d=2019082900:SPFH:100 m above ground:12 hour fcst:

You can also view additional diagnostic output such as min/max values. For example, to just look at the newly added variable SFEXC:

wgrib2 -V run/GFSPRS.GrbF12 | grep SFEXC -A6
717:34726623:vt=2019082912:surface:12 hour fcst:SFEXC Exchange Coefficient [kg/m^2/s]:
        Gaussian grid: (384 x 192) units 1e-06 input WE:NS output WE:SN
        number of latitudes between pole-equator=96 #points=73728
        lat 89.284225 to -89.284225
        lon 0.000000 to 359.062500 by 0.937500

If UPP fails, the UPP log files, $CASEROOT/run/oi.HHH, can be consulted for errors.