Changing the concentration of CCN creates a noticeable difference in the total cloud cover. Now that you've completed both runs compare the total cloud cover before and after the CCN change.
We are providing a script that plots the differences between control and test runs for 2m temperature (tmp2m), total precipitation (tprcp), and atmospheric column total cloud cover (tcdc_aveclm) at 48h.
To get and run this NCL script execute the following commands. This script will produce png files for each variable being plotted. The argument "c=" is the control run directory, and "t=" is the test run directory.
ncl plot_ufs_sfcf_diff.ncl 'c="ufs-mrweather-app-workflow.c96/run"' 't="ufs-mrweather-app-workflow.c96_exp/run"'
View the total cloud cover:
Your NCL output of atmospheric column total cloud cover difference should look like this:
You can also look at the 2-meter temperature and precipitation:
display plot_ufs_phyf_diff_tprcp.png
Congratulations! You've completed Session 1.