Unified Forecast System (UFS) Users’ Workshop




For the broadest community engagement, the UFS Users’ Workshop: 

  • Informed the attendees of the most recent updates to the UFS including programmatic and technical status, and perspectives.

  • Informed the community on the capabilities of the UFS and how the community can contribute to the development and improvement of the UFS.

  • Showcased experiences related to various aspects of the modeling system (atmosphere, ocean, sea ice, dynamics, physics, data assimilation, verification, etc.) and range of applications (short-term up to seasonal, global, regional, hurricane, air quality, etc.).

  • Built a platform for the next generation of scientists to become involved with the UFS, providing continued enhancement of the operational forecast system.

Find Out More About UFS

UFS Users’ Workshop Organizing Committee

  • Jeff Beck (DTC and CSU/CIRA at NOAA/GSL): jeff.beck@noaa.gov
  • Lisa Bengtsson (NOAA/PSL): lisa.bengtsson@noaa.gov
  • Ligia Bernardet (DTC and NOAA/GSL): ligia.bernardet@noaa.gov
  • Cecelia DeLuca (CIRES and NOAA/NWS/STI Science and Technology Corporation): cecelia.deluca@noaa.gov
  • Jim Kinter (George Mason University): ikinter@gmu.edu
  • Weiwei Li (DTC and NCAR): weiweili@ucar.edu
  • Bin Liu (IMSG at NOAA/NCEP/EMC): bin.liu@noaa.gov
  • Kathryn Newman (DTC and NCAR): knewman@ucar.edu
  • Yan Xue (NOAA/NWS/OSTI): yan.xue@noaa.gov