To follow the exercises in this tutorial, download the files below and request access to NCAR's Globally Accessible Data Environment (GLADE).
It is recommended to set up a virtual environment for this tutorial.
1. cd into your work directory or wherever you want to set up your virtual environment.
2. Type the following commands, in ordermodule load python/3.6.8module load ncarenv
(this is the crucial step that is "hidden" in the link above and left out of the tutorial)
ncar_pylib -c 20190627 /path/to/your/chosen/location3. Activate your virtual environment. If using csh:
source /path/to/your/chosen/location/bin/activate.csh
(bash should have a similar script that you would source).
Alternatively, you may be able to activate your virtual environment by simply typing
ncar_pylib /path/to/your/chosen/location
To deactivate your virtual environment, you can type
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