Welcome to the METplus Practical Session Guide

The METplus v5.0.0 practical consists of 11 sessions. The first six sessions contain instructions for running individual MET tools directly on the command line, followed by instructions for running the same tools as part of a METplus use case. The remaining sessions dive into special applications of METplus and the Analysis tools available in the METplus suite.

Please follow the link to the appropriate session:

  1. Session 1
    METplus Setup/Grid-to-Grid
  2. Session 2
  3. Session 3
    Analysis Tools
  4. Session 4
    Ensemble and PQPF
  5. Session 5
    MODE and MTD
  6. Session 6
    Track and Intensity
  7. Session 7
    Feature Relative
  8. Session 8
    METplus Analysis Tools
  9. Session 9
    Python Embedding
  10. Session 10
    Subseasonal To Seasonal (S2S)
  11. Session 11
    METplus Cloud