Prerequisites: Software
The Requirements section in the Software Installation chapter of the METplus User's Guide lists the software and Python packages that are required to run the METplus wrappers. Note that there is a core set of requirements needed to run the METplus wrappers and additional requirements needed to utilize some of the more advanced features.
Prerequisites: Environment
The following instructions are required so the commands in this tutorial can be copied and run without modification. The steps involve creating a working directory to store files used/generated by the tutorial and configuring a simple script that can be run to set up the shell environment. Once configured correctly, the script can be run upon returning to the tutorial content to easily resume progress.
Pre-Configured Environments
Setting up the Tutorial Environment on Hera (NOAA)
Setting up the Tutorial Environment on Jet (NOAA)
Setting up the Tutorial Environment on Cheyenne (NCAR)
Setting up the Tutorial Environment on Seneca (NCAR)
User Configured Environments
Setting up the Tutorial Environment (bash)
Setting up the Tutorial Environment (csh)