MET Online Tutorial for METv8.0 | Gen-Vx-Mask > Run

Since Gen-Vx-Mask performs a relatively simple masking operation, no configuration file is needed.

Run Gen-Vx-Mask to apply polyline masking using the following command:

gen_vx_mask \
-type poly \
$MET_TUTORIAL_DATA/input/sample_obs/ST2ml/ST2ml2005080700.Grb_G212 \
$MET_BASE/poly/CONUS.poly \

In this command, Gen-Vx-Mask reads a gridded data file on the NCEP Grid 212 domain and a Lat/Lon polyline file defining a rough outline of the contiguous United States. Gen-Vx-Mask extracts the domain information from the data file, applies the CONUS polyline, and writes out a NetCDF mask file.

Run Gen-Vx-Mask to apply circle masking using the following command:

gen_vx_mask \
-type circle -thresh '<=200' \
$MET_TUTORIAL_DATA/input/sample_fcst/2005080700/wrfprs_ruc13_24.tm00_G212 \
$MET_BASE/poly/MLB_Stadiums.txt \

In this command, Gen-Vx-Mask reads a gridded data file that's on the NCEP Grid 212 domain, computes the minimum distance to each Lat/Lon location defined in the MLB_Stadiums.txt file, and applies a 200 km distance threshold. It creates a NetCDF file named containing a bitmap for the domain with a value of 1 for all grid points inside the circles and a value of 0 for all grid points outside.