2011 Summer DTC Community GSI Workshop


| NCAR, Boulder CO

  • Workshop Introduction by Hans Huang (NCAR) [pdf]
  • EMC efforts by John Derber (NOAA/EMC) [pdf]
  • GMAO efforts by Ricardo Todling (GMAO)
  • GSD efforts by Stan Benjamin (NOAA/GSD) [pdf]
  • MMM efforts by Tom Auligne (NCAR) [pdf]
  • DTC efforts by Hui Shao (NCAR) [pdf]
  • Ensemble based 4DVAR and satellite data impact study with the GSI-based hybrid ensemble-variational data assimilation system by Xuguan Wang (various) [pdf]
  • GSI-based hybrid variation-ensemble data assimilation for the NCEP GFS by Daryl Kleist (NOAA/NCEP) [pdf]
  • A Hybrid GSI/ETKF Data Assimilation Scheme for the WRF/ARW Model by Arthur P. Mizzi (NCAR) [pdf]
  • Development of Regional GSI-based WRF 4D-Var by Xin Zhang (NCAR) [pdf]
  • Variational assimilation of MODIS aerosol optical depth using GSI: application to a dust storm case over east Asia region by Zhiquan Liu (NCAR/NESL/MMM) [pdf]
  • Different options for the assimilation of GPS Radio Occultation data within the GSI will be described by Lidia Cucurull (NOAA/NWS/NCEP/EMC) [pdf]
  • Improved Simulations of Clouds and Precipitation Using WRF-GSI by Zhengqing Ye (NASA-JPL/UCLA) [pdf]

Workshop Photos