EMC Training | Get the Code > GitHub Authentication

Using github via command line with two factor authentication.

Step 1: Make a token. Instructions are here under "Creating a token"


Step 2: You will get a long, hexadecimal, number. Store it somewhere. This is your token, and password. If you are storing it on a shared machine, like Theia, then make sure you:

chmod 400 /path/to/token.txt

Step 3: When using github:

git ... whatever command ...

Enter your github username: ... give it your github username ...

Password ...enter the token from Step 2.

If you are not using two-factor authentication and you are tired of typing your username/password: - from within a local github directory, type

git config --global credential.helper store 

Next time you checkout code, enter username and password and they will be stored automatically - see
