Now that you have successfully compiled the NEMSfv3gfs code, use these instructions to run a simple case using the CCPP and a SDF (suite definition file).
This example uses a low-resolution global grid (C96), and the operational (2017) GFS physics suite. The directory may be copied to any local/personal working directory.
Copy this example directory (theia) into your work space:
cp -r /scratch4/BMC/gmtb/emc_training_march_2019/handson_day1/fv3_ccpp_control .
cd fv3_ccpp_control
Edit the batch script to use your own project account:
Link (or copy) your executable into this run directory:
ln -s ${YOUR_WORK_DIR}/NEMSfv3gfs/tests/fv3_ccpp1.exe fv3.exe
Submit the run script to the batch queue:
- Look at input.nml --- find the ccpp_suite file name listed there
- Note that there is a CCPP SDF file (suite_FV3_GFS_2017_updated.xml) in this directory. Because we compiled the static build, this SDF file MUST MATCH the one used to compile (see previous step)
- Once the job has finished, the usual various log and output files are available for review
- job log output is in out and err
- forecast files are in NetCDF format, native grid (6 tiles), and dyn and phys (3d and 2d) fields, i.e.