rtofs_input step failing

Submitted by Bachir.Annane on Mon, 11/22/2021 - 16:11

Two problems;

1- It seems the HWRF  tree is not updated with the latest config files (hwrf_input.conf and hwrf_basic.conf);

When I download the HWRF (2021?)  svn co https://svn-dtc-hwrf.cgd.ucar.edu/trunk HWRF,
I noticed that the hwrf_input.conf file is not updated also the hwrf_basic.conf is not pointing to
the latest version of CRTM.   The following folder on Jet://mnt/lfs1/HFIP/hfip-hda/CyGNSS/221_gsi_mod_cyg/parm
has the latest updated config files.
2- Bug in the hwrf_input.conf and  rtofs_input step failing
With the updates I start new runs and found a bug (eg  /NCEPPROD/5year/hpssprod/runhistory/rh2020/202007/20200730/com2_rtofs_prod_rtofs.20200730.ab.tar
not found) but files with com_rtofs_prod* exist so I made a change in the hwrf_input.conf file I changed com2 to com in [rtofs_runhistory] and [rtofs_runhistory_backup]
With all these changes rtofs_input_E99 is still failing. Not sure what is going on.

Thanks for the bugs fix. Could you give your running directory for the failed run?

I have updated hwrf_input.conf and hwrf_basic.conf at /lfs4/HFIP/dtc-hurr/Linlin.Pan/issues/HWRF/parm

Please test them!



Hi Linlin,


Thank you for your help!

I am getting the following error (more than one);

ERROR: [FATAL] no such HPSS archive file: /NCEPDEV/emc-global/5year/emc.glopara/WCOSS_D/gfsv16/v16rt2/2021082618/gfsa.tar

Please see the log file on Jet:



I am using your hwrf_input.conf file. It is in the following folder;



Thank you!

