FAQ: Is the head of the SCM master branch expected to work at all times?

Submitted by grantf on Thu, 09/03/2020 - 08:53

Is the head of the SCM master branch expected to work at all times?

No. The head of the SCM master branch should correspond to the head of the master branch of ccpp-physics and ccpp-framework. However, changes are often made to these repositories using the UFS as a host model, without appropriate changes being made in the SCM, nor testing being conducted there. Corresponding changes to the master branch of the SCM typically happen within a few days, up to a couple of weeks after changes in the ccpp-physics and ccpp-framework master branches are merged. As such, the master branch represents development “near the bleeding edge” and it may not be appropriate for all projects to rely on this branch. If possible, consider using the latest stable release of the code that has been vetted/tested to work on many supported platforms and, importantly, is static.