
DTC Charter

The responsibilities for the operation of the DTC are described in the DTC Charter. The DTC management plan is based on a hierarchical structure of boards and committees whose members represent the interests of the NWP community.  The Terms of Operation (TOO) defines how the DTC operates.  

DTC Executive Committee

The DTC EC, which is composed of representatives from both the research and operational units of the modeling community, provides executive oversight for the DTC.

Gretchen Mullendore, NSF NCAR
Anil Rao, Air Force
Ivanka Stajner, NOAA/NWS
Jennifer Mahoney, NOAA/OAR

DTC Management Board

The DTC Management Board assists the DTC Director in preparing the Annual Operating Plan (AOP), annual budget, the selection of codes for testing, and proposals for multi-year code testing and evaluation projects.


Louisa Nance, DTC Director


Jian-Wen Bao, OAR
Curtis Alexander, OAR
Kevin Garrett, NWS
Fanglin Yan, NWS


Michael Ek
Sue Ellen Haupt

Air Force

Bonnie Brown
Steve Lack

DTC Science Advisory Board

The DTC Science Advisory Board assists the DTC Director in shaping the strategic direction and objectives for the DTC.

Alexandra Anderson-Frey, University of Washington-Seattle
Alex Reinecke, NRL
Aurore Porson, UK Met Office

Chris Melick, Air Force
Christiane Jablonowski, University of Michigan                                                              
Christopher Bretherton, Allen Institute for AI
Clark Evans, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Hui-Ya Chuang, EMC
Imme Ebert-Uphoff, Colorado State University
James Correia, CIRES & WPC
Jon Poterjoy, University of Maryland
Lisa Bengtsson, CIRES & PSL
Mian Chin, NASA
Michael Toy, CIRES & GSL 
Peter Lauritzen, NSF NCAR
Ryan Torn, SUNY-Albany
Yvette Richardson, Penn State University