Major Enhancements: Fortify compliance, percentile thresholds, land/sea mask and topography in Point-Stat, the derive option in PCP-Combine, and Gaussian interpolation
New Tools: No new tools
Changes to Output Formats:
Added header columns, "FCST_UNITS" and "OBS_UNITS", to indicate the units of the data processed to the STAT, MODE, and MTD ASCII output files.
Added "DX" and "DY" columns to the GRAD line type to indicate the gradient step sizes which are now configurable for Grid-Stat.
Added percentile intensity columns to the MTD 2D output files.
Enhancements to Existing Tools:
Fixed bugs related to MET's Python interface, Fourier decomposition in Grid-Stat, HiRA in Point-Stat, and memory management in MODE.
Fortify is a static code analyzer tool which identifies potential security vulnerabilities. Scanned the MET code base with Fortify and restructured it to address all high priority Fortify issues.
Common Libraries
Added support for defining thresholds as percentiles of data (see the user's guide for details and examples).
Added support for the Gaussian interpolation and regridding method, including the sigma option to define the shape.
Updated the embedded python logic so that failures result in a warning instead of an error.
Enhanced the NetCDF library to request data using a timestring instead of requiring an explicit index for the time dimension.
Enhanced the NetCDF library to handle a wider variety of data types.
Added support for specifying the "file_type" option when parsing the "poly" configuration setting.
Added GRIB2 configuration filtering options, "GRIB2_ipdtmpl_index" and "GRIB2_ipdtmpl_val", to explicitly request product description template values.
Fixed GRIB2 support for Polar Stereographic and Lambert Conformal grids in the southern hemisphere.
Added the "-derive" functionality to compute the sum, min, max, range, mean, standard deviation, or valid data count of data from a series of input files.
Added the "-vld_thresh" command line option to specify the required ratio of valid data at each grid point to compute an output value.
Calculated GOES-16/17 pixel locations from metadata of the input files so that it can process multiple scenes of GOES-16/17 data.
Added support to the "-format" command line option to handle "aeronetv2" and "aeronetv3".
Added configuration file to control the computation of time summaries.
Added "land_mask" and "topo_mask" config file entries to define land/sea mask and model topography information which control how matched pairs are computed when verifying at the surface.
Added new interpolation method named "GEOG_MATCH" to search the interpolation area for the closest grid point where the land/sea mask and topography criteria are satisfied.
Added "gradient" config file entry to define the size of the gradients to be computed in both the x ("dx") and y ("dy") directions.
Added percentile intensity columns to the MTD 2D output files: INTENSITY_10, INTENSITY_25, INTENSITY_50, INTENSITY_75, INTENSITY_90
Corrected timestamps in the header columns.
When using the "-by" job command option, enable "-set_hdr" to reference the current values of the "-by" columns. For example, the following job sets the output VX_MASK column to each observation station name found:
-job aggregate_stat -line_type MPR -out_line_type CNT -by OBS_SID -set_hdr VX_MASK OBS_SID -out_stat mpr_to_cnt_by_sid.stat
Known Issues and Fixes
met-8.1.1 Bugfix Development
Posted: 2019-07-01
Problem: Several issues found in the met-8.1 release.
Solution: Please see the development issues for the met-8.1.1 bugfix release: