METplus Practical Session Guide (Feb 2019) | METviewer > METviewer: Object Based Attribute Area Box Plot

METviewer: Object Based Attribute Area Box Plot

For the next plot, you'll try out the XML upload feature. Each plot created by METviewer corresponds to an XML file that defines the plot. In this example, you'll load the XML from a previous plot and regenerate it.

  • Right click on this XML file, select the Save Link As option, and save the file to your machine.
  • In the METviewer window, click on the Load XML button in the top-right corner.
  • In the Upload plot XML file dialog box, click the Browse button, and navigate the location of the XML file.
  • Select the XML file, click the Open button, and then the OK button.
  • METviewer will now populate all of the selections with those specified in that XML file.
  • Lastly, click the Generate Plot button at the top of the page to create the image. Your plot should look like this.

This plot shows the area of MODE objects defined for 1-hourly accumulated precipitation thresholded at 0.1 inch. The data has been filtered down to the 00Z initialization and the areas are plotted by lead time. Each lead time has 3 boxplots: core1 in red, core2 in blue, and the observations in gray. The numbers in black across the top show the number of objects plotted for each lead time.

Note that we have only plotted the observations once since they should be the same for both models. Look in the Series Formatting section at the bottom of the METviewer webapp in the Hide column to see that we're hiding the 4th series titled core2_hwt APCP_01 AREA_OSA. Also note that in the Legend Text column, we've specified our own strings rather than using the METviewer defaults.

The XML Upload feature of METviewer is very powerful and has saved users a lot of time by uploading previous work rather than starting from scratch each time.

Feel free to experiment with METviewer and make additional plots.