METplus Practical Session Guide (Feb 2019) | MET Tool: TC-Pairs > TC-Pairs Tool: Output

TC-Pairs Tool: Output

The output of TC-Pairs is an ASCII file containing matched pairs for each of the models requested. In this example, the output is written to the tc_pairs.tcst file as we requested on the command line. This output file is in TCST format, which is similar to the STAT output from the Point-Stat and Grid-Stat tools. For more header information on the TCST format, see section 19.2.3 of the MET User's Guide.

Remember to configure your text editor to NOT use dynamic word wrapping. The files will be much easier to read that way:

  • In the kwrite editor, select Settings->Configure Editor, de-select Dynamic Word Wrap and click OK.
  • In the vi editor, type the command :set nowrap. To set this as the default behavior, run the following command:
    echo "set nowrap" >> ~/.exrc

Open tc_pairs.tcst

  • Notice this is a simple ASCII file with rows for each matched pair for a single valid time..
  • Any field that has A in the column name (such as AMAX_WIND, ALAT) indicate the model forecast.
  • Any field that has B in the column name (such as BMAX_WIND, BLAT) indicate the observation field (Best Track).
  • The TK_ERR, X_ERR, Y_ERR, ALTK_ERR, CRTK_ERR columns are calculated track error, X component position error, Y component postion error, along track error, and cross track error, respectively.
  • Columns 34-63 are the 34-, 50-, and 64-kt wind radii for each quadrant.