METplus Practical Session Guide (Feb 2019) | MET Tool: Point-Stat > Point-Stat Tool: Rerun

Point-Stat Tool: Rerun

Next, run Point-Stat to compare a GRIB forecast to the NetCDF point observation output of the PB2NC tool, as opposed to the much smaller ASCII2NC output we used in the first run. Run the following command line:

point_stat \
/classroom/wrfhelp/MET/8.0/met-8.0/data/sample_fcst/2007033000/nam.t00z.awip1236.tm00.20070330.grb \
../pb2nc/ \
PointStatConfig_tutorial_run2 \
-outdir . \
-v 2

Point-Stat is now performing the verification tasks we requested in the configuration file. It should take a minute or two to run. You should see several status messages printed to the screen to indicate progress. Note the number of matched pairs found for each verification task, some of which are 0.

Plot-Data-Plane Tool

In this step, we have verified 2-meter temperature. The Plot-Data-Plane tool within MET provides a way to visualize the gridded data fields that MET can read. Run this utility to plot the 2-meter temperature field:

plot_data_plane \
/classroom/wrfhelp/MET/8.0/met-8.0/data/sample_fcst/2007033000/nam.t00z.awip1236.tm00.20070330.grb \ \
'name="TMP"; level="Z2";'

Plot-Data-Plane requires an input gridded data file, an output postscript image file name, and a configuration string defining which 2-D field is to be plotted. View the output by running:

okular &

View the usage for Plot-Data-Plane by running it with no arguments or using the --help option:

plot_data_plane --help

Now rerun this Plot-Data-Plane command but...

  1. Set the title to 2-m Temperature.
  2. Set the plotting range as 250 to 305.
  3. Use the color table named MET_BASE/colortables/NCL_colortables/wgne15.ctable

Next, we'll take a look at the Point-Stat output we just generated.

See the usage statement for all MET tools using the --help command line option or with no options at all.