EMC Training | Day 2 Adding a New Scheme to the CCPP > Run the model

Run the model

Now copy the run directory template to your directory:

   rsync -av /scratch4/BMC/gmtb/emc_training_march_2019/handson_day2/fv3_rftim/ ${YOUR_WORK_DIR}/NEMSfv3gfs_CCPP_training/run/

   cd ${YOUR_WORK_DIR}/NEMSfv3gfs_CCPP_training/run/

Edit job_card to:

  • Adjust the account name in line "# PBS -A ...".
  • Adjust CODEDIR accordingly - this will also adjust the LD_LIBRARY_PATH later in the job_card script.

Take a quick look at the additional steps required for CCPP:

  • Link the Suite Definition File you previously created (develop/ccpp/suites/suite_FV3_GFS_2017_rftim.xml) to the run directory

ln -s ${YOUR_WORK_DIR}/develop/ccpp/suites/suite_FV3_GFS_2017_rftim.xml ccpp_suite.xml

  • Edit file input.nml and set it to use your Suite Definition File

ccpp_suite = 'ccpp_suite.xml'

Note that in this example the CCPP library will be loaded at runtime since the compilation command was for the dynamic CCPP build.

Before we run the case, we need to add the new diagnostic variable to the list in file diag_table. Edit diag_table and add the following line just below the 'qrain' line:

  "gfs_sfc",     "rftim", "rftim",     "fv3_history2d", "all", .false.,  "none", 2

Submit the job script


   qsub job_card && touch out && tail -f out

When finished, plot the new diagnostic variable rftim:

   module load intel/15.1.133 ncl/6.5.0
   ncl plot_rftim.ncl