Removal of Content Advisory - April 2024

Advisory to Gridpoint Statistical Interpolation (GSI) users: As of the beginning of April 2024, all support assets for Gridpoint Statistical Interpolation (GSI) will be removed from the DTC website. Users should download all reference materials of interest prior to April 2024.

Community GSIV3.7 Online Tutorial | Case 2: Single observation test with NAM BE > Results



The standard output file stdout contains the run diagnostics, such as convergence information and observation distribution from the GSI run. Details of the standard output file are available in section 4.1 of the GSI User's Guide.

Information about the use of observations by the analysis, and the corresponding statistics are available from the fit files (namedfort.2*). The fit files located in the run directory should agree with the following fit files for temperature (fit_t1); wind (fit_w1);moisture (fit_q1); surface pressure (fit_p1).

Visualizing the Analysis

The model analysis may be visualized through use of the ncl script GSI_singleobs_arw.ncl provided with the community GSI under ./util/Analysis_Utilities/plots_ncl. It plots the XY (left column) and XZ (right column) cross sections of the analysis increment fields through the grid point that has the maximum temperature increment.

To visualize your output, copy the ncl script to run directory and change lines:

  • change cdf_analysis = addfile("wrf_inout.cdf","r") to point to analysis results.
  • change cdf_bk = addfile("${DATA_ROOT}/wrfout_d01_2018-08-12_12:00:00.cdf","r") to point to background.

A sample script can be found at GSI_singleobs_arw.ncl


Once you have customized the script, run the script with the command:
ncl GSI_singleobs_arw.ncl 

The script will generate a file: GSI_singleObse_T_arw.pdf. Use display GSI_singleObse_T_arw.pdf to show the image. Compare this image with the reference solution [PDF] for this configuration.