Unified Post Processor (UPP) for WRF | UPP for WRF Online Tutorial

  Welcome to the UPP for WRF Online Tutorial

  • This tutorial is designed for use with UPPv4.1 released on March 24, 2020.
  • It describes step-by-step how to compile, configure, and run UPP.
  • A description of what's new since the previous release can be found in the release notes for UPPv3.2 and UPPv4.0.
  • For questions, errors, or help concerning this online tutorial (or other UPP issues) please see the information on the Requesting Help page.

Using the UPP Online Tutorial

Throughout this tutorial, the following conventions are used:

  • Bold font is used for directory and filenames and occasionally to simply indicate emphasis.
  • Bold and italic font is used for things to be typed on the command line, configurable items, and executable names.

 tip  Look for tips and hints.

Start the UPP Online Tutorial

 tip  Throughout this tutorial, there are several commands to type on the command line. Those commands are displayed in such a way that it is easy to copy and paste them directly from the webpage. You are encouraged to do so to avoid typing mistakes and speed your progress through the tutorial.


Attachment Size
UPP for WRF Online Tutorial for UPPV4.1 195.04 KB