Unified Post Processor (UPP) for WRF

Seattle clouds
Support for WRF based applications of the UPP has been retired.  This frozen website exists as a source of information for users still using UPP with WRF model output.  Please note this website is no longer updated or supported.  For current UPP website and support, please visit: https://dtcenter.org/community-code/unified-post-processor-upp.


Welcome to the users home page for the NCEP Unified Post Processing System (UPP) for WRF. UPP was developed at the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) and is used operationally for models maintained by NCEP. The UPP has the capability to post-process output from a variety of NWP models, including WRF-NMM, WRF-ARW, Non-hydrostatic Multi-scale Model on the B grid (NMMB), Global Forest System (GFS), and Climate Forecast System (CFS), and Finite-Volume Cubed Sphere (FV3).

The Developmental Testbed Center (DTC) maintains a community version of the UPP code that aligns with what is used operationally at NCEP. Features and developments from NCEP are continually brought back into the community UPP package and likewise community members are encouraged to provide new features to DTC for proposal into operational code.

At this time the DTC provides community support for UFS based forecasts.

The UPP is also being used as the post-processor for the Unified Forecasting System (UFS) and is included in the first public release of the UFS Medium Range Weather Application V1.0.  For more information regarding the UFS, please visit https://ufscommunity.org/.