Removal of Content Advisory - April 2024

Advisory to Hurricane WRF (HWRF) users: As of the beginning of April 2024, all support assets for Hurricane WRF (HWRF) will be removed from the DTC website. Users should download all reference materials of interest prior to April 2024.

Hurricane WRF (HWRF) | Code Development Process

Development leading to operational implementation and community code release

  • All HWRF developers will use a project development branch in the hwrf repository to develop code. Effectively, this means that development will occur on a branch of the community code repositories.
  • Before starting a development project, developers should contact the HWRF Developers Committee to share their intent and discuss the timeline and requirements for the project.
  • The development branches will be created by doing a checkout of the /sorc in branches/HWRF.
  • It is recommended, but not required, that developers keep their development branches updated with branches/HWRF, that is, that they bring the updates of branches/HWRF as often as appropriate onto their development branches.
  • When the development is mature, developers will run their own scientific based tests to verify if the code is working as expected.
  • Developers will then update their development branches to bring them up to date with the current head of branches/HWRF. They will resolve any conflicts between their development and branches/HWRF.
  • After the steps above are complete, developers will present their commit proposal to the HWRF Developers Committee, which will determine what tests are necessary. After those are conducted and approved, developers will merge their development to branches/HWRF.
  • DTC will run the necessary regression tests and update the trunk of the community repositories with the latest developments in branches/HWRF. It will be the DTC’s responsibility to interface with the various community repositories.
  • When development is complete in the development branches, those branches should be deleted. Development branches should only last for the lifetime of each development. A new development branch can then be created for further work.