CCPP AMS2020 Short Course | Another Case

Run another case

Physics suites need to be general enough to work everywhere. Let’s try a different deep convection case to see whether our modification shows promise. The arm_sgp_summer_1997_A case features continental deep convection over the central US plains. We’ll run the same 3 suites through this case plus the modified suite using the same method as above (from the bin directory):

./ -f ../src/
See supplemental slide 34 for the contents of this file and expected console output.

Once completed, run the plotting script on the new output:

./ arm_short_course_mod.ini

The output is placed in bin/plots_arm_short_course


Open the temperature bias plot (profiles_bias_T.png; also supplemental slide 35).

Q: Does the brute force modification help the csawmg+ suite perform better in the temperature bias metric for this case?
A: No. This highlights an inherent limitation for physics development using a single column model. One needs to be extremely careful not to “overfit” or “tune” a physics suite to a limited number of cases. Although this problem can be mitigated somewhat by using a large number of experiments based on a set of cases that more completely spans the meteorological parameter space, robust verification using the global modeling system will remain the gold standard. Nevertheless, a single column model’s simplicity, inexpensiveness, and propensity toward exploratory studies should cement its place as a valuable part of the physics development testing hierarchy.