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Community Connections: METplus Training Expanded

Contributed by Tara Jensen, Julie Prestopnik, and John Opatz
Summer 2023

The METplus team launched part one of the METplus Advanced Training Series this past spring, which focused on Prototypes in the Cloud, Subseasonal to Seasonal (S2S) Diagnostics, and Coupled Model Components.  The intent of the METplus Advanced Training Series was to extend beyond the Basic Training Series, held during the winter and spring of 2021-2022. The series will resume with Part Two on Wednesday, October 4th, 2023, and will focus on evaluating Fire Weather forecasts and the Seasonal Forecast System (SFS). It will also cover Python Embedding, Ensembles, and Use of Climatologies. The five remaining sessions will run virtually on Wednesday mornings every other week beginning at 9:00 am MST for two hours. Those interested in participating can visit the Registration page to sign up for the fall sessions.

In a related activity, the METplus team has been working on significant improvements to the Online Tutorial and connections to the Users’ Guides. A focus group that convened during Spring 2023 provided many great suggestions for how to make the METplus Support and Training more effective. Over the summer, John Opatz, Brianne Nelson, and Barbara Brown worked tirelessly to execute the most impactful suggestions. They are currently conducting a second focus group to determine whether their effort resulted in marked improvements.  Please watch for a roll-out of our updated online training and documentation in the fall.