Due to the current situation regarding COVID-19, the first Unified Forecast System (UFS) Users’ Workshop will be held virtually online, from 27-29 July, 2020. The aim of the workshop remains to establish an annual forum to exchange ideas, advance education on applying the UFS, and embrace the full potential of the community to support and help improve the UFS modeling and prediction system. A diverse group of participants from across the weather enterprise are encouraged to participate and engage in this forum, with the following main objectives:
Inform attendees of the most recent updates to the UFS, including programmatic and technical information
Illustrate the capabilities of the UFS and inform the community how they can contribute to the development and improvement of the UFS
Showcase experiences related to various aspects of the modeling system (atmosphere, ocean, sea ice, dynamics, physics, data assimilation, verification, etc.) and different range of applications (short-term up to seasonal, global, regional, hurricane, air quality, etc.)
The following logistical modifications have been made relative to holding a virtual forum:
- Registration is now free but required (all registration fees received previously will be fully refunded)
- Deadlines have been extended:
- Abstract submission deadline: 07 June
- Abstract acceptance notification: 06 July
- Agenda available: 13 July
- Registration closes: 20 July
- Student/postdoc travel support will be provided for the second UFS Users’ Workshop planned for summer 2021
For more information, please view the workshop website at the following link: https://dtcenter.org/events/2020/ufs-users-workshop.