Announcement: Short Course on Containers and Cloud Computing at AMS Annual - 12 Jan 2020

AMS Short Course
October 10, 2019

The Developmental Testbed Center (DTC) will host a short course on Integrating NWP System Components Using Container Technology and Cloud Services on 12 January 2020 preceding the 100th AMS Annual Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts. The goal of this course is to raise awareness about tools and facilities available to the community for testing and evaluating Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) innovations, including the emerging set of software tools in reusable containers and cloud computing resources, through hands-on learning. 

While this course may appeal to a wide-reaching audience, this information may be particularly useful to undergraduate and graduate students interested in learning more about NWP and to university faculty that may find software containers and cloud computing to be useful teaching tools to add to their course curriculum. For more information, please see: