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Who's Who: Kathryn Newman

Autumn 2016

As a Junior Atmospheric Science major, at the University of North Dakota (UND), Kathryn Newman organized 25 weather labs for hundreds of aviation students that were required to take Meteorology (ATSC 110). The multi-tasking and organizational skills she developed come in handy as the DTC Hurricane Task Lead to oversee transitioning Hurricane Task research to EMC. “It’s challenging to keep track of all the moving parts in modeling research and getting them into operations,” she says, “But it is cool to be involved at this level--to know what goes into the models.” She also serves on the Model Evaluation Team and the Data Assimilation Team.

Kathryn has been with NCAR since 2009. She led the development of a functionally-similar operational environment for the Air Force Weather Agency to determine an appropriate initial configuration for their impending Gridpoint Statistical Information data assimilation for operations.. She is proud to have wrapped that project up and the results published.

She earned her B.S. and M.S. from UND. Her Master’s work was ground validating satellite products for atmospheric radiation. She also worked on MM5 and WRF particle (aerosol?) dispersion applications for the Army High Performance Computing Research Center.

Kathryn grew up Anoka, Minnesota where she remembers trying to get her Halloween costume over her snowsuit. In college, she braved the cold with other students to stand in line to get the best seats. UND posted signs: “Stand at your own risk,” with a thermometer nearby for bragging rights. She and her husband road-trip to Omaha, Colorado Springs, or even Minneapolis to catch college hockey games in their spare time.

Kathryn wanted to be a veterinarian when she was younger because she loved animals. Though life took her in a different direction, she likes to hike Chautauqua trails with Lucy, her beagle. She says she and her husband like to do typical “Colorado stuff;” ski, hike, and visit craft breweries. Avery Brewing Co. is currently at the top of her list.