Researchers from the DTC plan to provide numerical model runs from a preliminary version of the North American Rapid Refresh Ensemble system (Pre-NARRE) to the Hydrometeorological Testbed of the Weather Prediction Center (HMT/ WPC) during their current Winter Exercise. The DTC Ensemble Task will run the ensemble system (most likely on the NOAA hjet computing system) and post-process some of the results for HMT/WPC. Members of the ensemble (eight in total) will be produced from both WRF/ RUC and NMMB dynamical cores, and will include different combinations of microphysical, planetary boundary layer, surface physics, convective parameterization, and initial and boundary condition options (as in the chart below). Although the WPC will evaluate the runs on the CONUS domain, the computational domain will be set to the larger existing RAP domain, at 13 km resolution out to 24-48h, depending on computing resources. One hopeful outcome of the experiment will be an opportunity to compare NARRE forecasts with parallel runs from the Environmental Modeling Center’s (EMC) operational regional ensemble forecast system (SREF), which will be provided by EMC. In addition, results from the experiment will be used to extend previous assessments of NARRE performance to wintertime regimes.
Contributed by Isidora Jankov and Ed Tollerud.