HWRF Online Tutorial V3.9a | Compiling WRFV3, WPS, UPP, and GSI > Compile WPS

Compile WPS

Configure WPS

Change to the WPS directory (cd /glade/scratch/${USER}/HWRF_building/hwrfrun/sorc/WPSV3), clean (remove pre-compile) and issue the configure command:


./clean -a




For Cheyenne, choose option 19 for dmpar with GRIB 2 support.  


Note: To compile WPS with GRIB2 support, the JasPerzlib and PNG libraries are needed.

Compile WPS

Issue the compile command:


./compile |& tee compile_wps.log


Note: If the compilation does not succeed in producing the executables, it will be necessary to conduct a clean on the WPSV3 directory. A complete clean is strongly recommended if the compilation failed or if the configuration file is changed.


To conduct a partial clean that retains the configuration file, and just removes the object files, type:




To conduct a complete clean which removes all built files in all directories, as well as the configure.wps, type:


./clean -a


After issuing the compile command, a listing of the current working directory should reveal symbolic links to executables for each of the three WPS programs:


Several symbolic links should also be in the util/ directory:

mod_levs.exe   (used for idealized runs)


If any of these links do not exist, check the compilation output in the compile_wps.log file to see what went wrong.

Note: This compilation only takes a few minutes.