Compile MET

Compile MET griggs Tue, 04/23/2019 - 15:56

After running the configure command, do the following to build MET:

make install >& make_install.log &
tail -f make_install.log

To exit the tail command, type CNTL-C.

The GNU make is required to build MET.

Examine the contents of the make_install.log file to verify the build was successful and there were no errors.

Built Executables

The bin subdirectory of the installation directory should now contain up to 28 MET executables:

  • ascii2nc
  • ensemble_stat
  • gen_vx_mask
  • grid_stat
  • gsid2mpr
  • gsidens2orank
  • madis2nc
  • lidar2nc
  • mode
  • mode_analysis
  • modis_regrid
  • mtd
  • pb2nc
  • pcp_combine
  • plot_data_plane
  • plot_mode_field
  • plot_point_obs
  • point_stat
  • regrid_data_plane
  • series_analysis
  • shift_data_plane
  • stat_analysis
  • tc_dland
  • tc_pairs
  • tc_stat
  • wavelet_stat
  • wwmca_plot
  • wwmca_regrid

Now add the full path to the installation bin directory to your PATH environment variable. For example, if you installed MET at /usr/local/met, add /usr/local/met/bin to your PATH.

Dynamic Libraries

Some of the applications use dynamic libraries to run. You may receive the following type of undefined reference errors from the MET tools at runtime:

error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

If you receive this type of error you will need to update the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to point to the locations of these libraries so the applications know where to find them

setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /path/to/netcdf/lib:/path/to/gsl/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}

Known Issues and MET_Help

If you encounter problems building METv6.1, please: