CCPP and SCM Online Tutorial

CCPP and SCM Online Tutorial

Welcome to the CCPP and SCM online tutorial.


The goal of this tutorial is to familiarize beginners to the Common Community Physics Package (CCPP) with its key concepts: 1) how it is used within host models, 2) what makes a piece of code compatible with the CCPP, and 3) how collections of physics parameterizations are organized into suites. It includes lecture-like content followed by hands-on exercises. The exercises will be conducted within the context of the CCPP Single Column Model (SCM), so users will also get an introduction to how this model can be used for both science and physics development.

This tutorial accompanies the v6.0.0 release, which contains the tested and supported version for general use.

You may navigate through this tutorial by following the links at the bottom of each page or by using the menu navigation on the right hand side.

Each section builds on the output of previous sections. So please work on them in the order listed. If you have questions, please refer to the SCM v6.0.0 User and Technical Guide. If you need additional help, please post a question at the CCPP User Support Forum.

Throughout this tutorial, code blocks in BOLD white text with a black background should be copied from your browser and pasted on the command line.

echo "Let's Get Started"

Text in YELLOW boxes need to be edited (add or modify) in a specific file on your system.
Text in BLUE boxes are additional expert hints and links to further reading.

To begin, watch the video presentations, by clicking on "Video Presentations" at the bottom (or right).

carson Fri, 03/26/2021 - 15:48

Video presentations

Video presentations
carson Mon, 03/29/2021 - 14:59

Video Presentations

Begin this tutorial by viewing the following video presentations:

Download and Build

Download and Build
carson Mon, 03/29/2021 - 15:01

Download and Build

Defining your workspace


The first step is to create an environment variable that contains the path to the directory in which you will build and run the SCM. 

Go to the directory in which you will build and run the SCM and run the command below substituting /path/to/my/build/and/run/directory with your actual directory name

cd /path/to/my/build/and/run/directory

Next, define an environment variable that contains the path

For C-Shell:

setenv SCM_WORK `pwd`

For Bourne Shell:

export SCM_WORK=`pwd`

Determining your platform


In order to build the SCM, you need to have either a computational platform that meets certain system requirements and has certain pre-installed libraries and tools or use a Docker container. Please follow one of the options below to build the SCM.


Option 1 Using a pre-configured platform

Option 1 Using a pre-configured platform

Option 1. Using a computational platform with the required software stack

In order to build and run the SCM, your platform needs to have the system software listed below. The versions we have tested with are listed below

  • GNU compilers 12.1.0,     cmake 3.23.2, NetCDF 4.7.4, Python 3.9.12
  • GNU compilers 10.1.0,     cmake 3.16.4, NetCDF 4.8.1, Python 3.7.12
  • GNU compilers 11.1.0,     cmake 3.18.2, NetCDF 4.8.1, Python 3.8.5
  • Intel compilers 2022.0.2, cmake 3.20.1, NetCDF 4.7.4, Python 3.7.11
  • Intel compilers 2022.1.0, cmake 3.22.0, NetCDF 4.8.1, Python 3.7.12

The following Python modules are required: xarray, dask, netCDF4, bottleneck, matplotlib, f90nml, configobj, shapely, pandas, and scipy.

In addition, there are several utility libraries as part of the HPC-Stack package that must be installed. 

  • bacio - Binary I/O Library
  • sp - Spectral Transformation Library
  • w3nco - GRIB decoder and encoder library

Obtaining the code

The source code for the CCPP and SCM is provided through This tutorial accompanies the v6.0.0 release tag, which contains the tested and supported version for general use. 

Clone the the v6.0.0 release code using

git clone --recursive -b release/public-v6

The recursive option in this command clones the release/public-v6 branch of the NCAR authoritative SCM repository (ccpp-scm) and all subrepositories (ccpp-physics, ccpp-framework, and CMakeModules). 

Setting up the environment in a preconfigured platform

Computational platforms that meet the system requirements and in which the HPS-Stack are prebuilt and installed in a central location are referred to as preconfigured platforms. Examples of preconfigured platforms are the Hera NOAA high-performance computing machine (using the Intel compiler) and the NCAR Cheyenne system (using the Intel and GNU compilers). 

Platform-specific scripts are provided to load modules and set the user environment for preconfigured platforms. These scripts load compiler modules, the NetCDF module, Python environment, etc. and set compiler and HPC-Stack environment variables. 

Go to the top-level code directory (ccpp-scm) 

cd $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm

Now source the correct script for your platform and shell. 

For t/csh shells, 

  • source scm/etc/Hera_setup_intel.csh
  • source scm/etc/Cheyenne_setup_gnu.csh
  • source scm/etc/Cheyenne_setup_intel.csh

For bourne/bash shells, 

  • . scm/etc/
  • . scm/etc/
  • . scm/etc/

Setting up the environment in a non-preconfigured platform

If you are not using a preconfigured platform, you need to install HPC-Stack yourself following the instructions found in Section 2.2.2 of the CCPP SCM User and Technical Guide v6-0-0

After performing the installation and setting environment variables bacio_ROOT, sp_ROOT, and w3nco_ROOT to the location where HPC-Stack is installed, continue following the instructions in this tutorial.

Staging additional datasets

You need to download the lookup tables (large binaries, 324 MB) for the Thompson microphysics package and place them in the correct directory.  

cd $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm

Building the code

Following the commands below, you will run cmake to query system parameters, execute the CCPP pre-build script to match the physics variables (between what the host model – SCM – can provide and what is needed by physics schemes in the CCPP), and build the physics caps needed to use them. Subsequently, you will run make to build the SCM executable.

cd $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/scm
mkdir -p bin && cd bin
cmake ../src
make -j4

A successful build will produce executable file $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/scm/bin/scm

carson Mon, 03/29/2021 - 15:06



Option 2 Using a Docker Container

Option 2 Using a Docker Container

Option 2. Using a Docker container

In order to run a precompiled version of the CCPP SCM in a container, Docker needs to be available on your machine. Please visit to download and install the version compatible with your system. Docker frequently releases updates to the software; it is recommended to apply all available updates. NOTE: In order to install Docker on your machine, you need to have root access privileges. More information about getting started can be found at and in Section 2.5 of the  CCPP SCM User and Technical Guide v6-0-0

In the first exercise you will use a prebuilt Docker image available on Docker Hub. In subsequent exercises you will use the same image to rebuild your own SCM executable with various modifications.

Using a prebuilt Docker image

A prebuilt Docker image is available on Docker Hub. In order to use this, execute the following from the terminal where Docker is run: 

docker pull dtcenter/ccpp-scm:v6.0.0

To verify that it exists afterward, run the command:

docker images

Proceed to “Set up the Docker image”.

Set up the Docker image

Next, you will set up an output directory so that output generated by the SCM and its scripts within the container can be used outside of the container  using the following steps:

  1.  Set up a directory that will be shared between the host machine and the Docker container. When set up correctly, it will contain output generated by the SCM within the container for manipulation by the host machine. For Mac/Linux,
mkdir -p /path/to/output

For Windows, you can try to create a directory of your choice to mount to the container, but it may not work or may require more configuration, depending on your particular Docker installation. We have found that Docker volume mounting in Windows can be difficult to set up correctly. One method that worked for us was to create a new directory under our local user space, and specify the volume mount as below. 


In addition, with Docker Toolbox, double check that the mounted directory has correct permissions. For example, open VirtualBox, right click on the

running virtual machine, and choose “Settings”. In the dialog that appears, make sure that the directory you’re trying to share shows up in “Shared Folders" (and add it if it does not) and make sure that the “auto-mount" and “permanent" options are checked.

  1.  Set an environment variable to point to the directory that was set up in the previous step. For t/csh shells:
setenv OUT_DIR /path/to/output

For bourne/bash shells:

export OUT_DIR=/path/to/output
  1. To use the  SCM in the container interactively, run non-default configurations, create plots, or even develop code, issue the following command:
docker run --rm -it -v ${OUT_DIR}:/home --name run-ccpp-scm dtcenter/ccpp-scm:v6.0.0 /bin/bash

Note that this command will not actually run the SCM, but will put you within the container space and within the bin directory of the SCM with a pre-compiled executable. At this point, you can run the scripts as described in the following sections.

A couple things to note when using a container:

  • The run scripts should be used with the -d option if output is to be shared with the host machine
  • Since the container is ephemeral, if you do development you should push your changes to a remote git repository to save them (i.e. a fork on
carson Mon, 03/29/2021 - 15:30

Exercise 1: Run the SCM and examine the results

Exercise 1: Run the SCM and examine the results

Review the physics suites

You will run two experiments with the SCM, showing the differences between all supported physics suites for a given case based on the Tropical Warm Pool – International Cloud Experiment (TWP-ICE) field campaign. Let’s first take a look at the composition of the physics suites and then at how the case is set up.

Navigate to the directory where the Suite Definition Files (SDFs) are stored and see what is available:

cd $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/ccpp/suites

Peruse the files and notice the XML format, paying attention to the key elements: suite (with name attribute), group, subcycle, scheme.

You will find primary and interstitial schemes.  All suites share many common elements, including interstitial schemes that are required to prepare data for schemes and calculate diagnostics. 

If you want to review the technical elements of the SDF, refer to the SDF chapter in the CCPP Technical Documentation.

The differences between the operational GFS suite and the experimental RRFS_v1beta suite is shown below.

Q: What are some parameterizations used in suite RRFS_v1beta that are not used in suite GFS_v16?

A: Coupling of subgridscale cloudiness and RRTMG radiation scheme (sgscloud_radpre and sgscloud_radpost), the Mellow-Yamada-Nakanishi-Niino (MYNN) surface layer (mynnsfc_wrapper) and planetary boundary layer (mynnedmf_wrapper) schemes, the Noah MP land surface model (noahmpdrv), and the Thompson microphysics scheme (mp_thompson). Also note that the GFSv16 invokes a deep convective parameterization (samfdeepcnv), while suite RRFS_v1beta does not. For this reason, suite RRFS_v1beta is best suited for convective-allowing models.

Review the case configuration namelists and case input data file

Now navigate to the directory where case setup namelists are stored to see what you are going to run.

cd $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/scm/etc/case_config

Look at twpice.nml to see what kinds of information are required to set up an experiment. The variables most likely to differ among experiments are: case_name, dt, runtime, [thermo,mom]_forcing_type, sfc_flux_spec, year, month, day, hour.

For more information about the experiment configuration files, see Chapter 5.1.1 of the CCPP SCM User and Technical Guide.

Each case also has a NetCDF file associated with it (determined by the case_name variable) that contains the initial conditions and forcing data for the case. Take a look at one of the files to see what kind of information is expected:

ncdump -h $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/scm/data/processed_case_input/|more

There are groups for scalars (single values relevant for the simulation), initial conditions (function of vertical level only), and forcing (function of time and/or vertical level). Note that not all forcing variables are required to be non-zero.

For more information about the experiment configuration files, see Chapter 5.1.2 of the CCPP SCM User and Technical Guide.

Run the SCM

Now that you have an idea of what the physics suites contain and how to set up cases, you can run the SCM. 

For more information about this and other scripts that can be used to run the SCM, see Chapter 2.4 of the CCPP SCM User and Technical Guide

The following commands will get you in the bin directory and run the SCM for the TWP-ICE case using all six supported suites.

cd $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/scm/bin

Note: if you are using a Docker container, add -d at the end of the following command

./ --multirun --file $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/tutorial_files/config/

Upon a successful run, the screen output should say that the runs completed successfully and the following subdirectories will be created in $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/scm/run/, each of them with a log file and results in NetCDF format in file

output_twpice_SCM_GFS_v16, output_twpice_SCM_GFS_v17_p8, output_twpice_SCM_HRRR, output_twpice_SCM_RAP, output_twpice_SCM_RRFS_v1beta, and output_twpice_SCM_WoFS_v0

Any standard NetCDF file viewing or analysis tools may be used to examine the output file (ncdump, ncview, Python, etc). 

Analyze the SCM results

The output directory for each case is controlled by its case configuration namelist. For this exercise, a directory containing the output for each integration is placed in the $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/scm/run/ directory. Inspect that the output directories now contain a populated file.

At this point, you use whatever plotting tools you wish to examine the output. For this course, we will use the basic Python scripts that are included in the repository. The main script is called and expects a configuration file as an argument. The configuration file specifies which output files to read, which variables to plot, and how to do so.

Change into the following directory:

cd $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/scm/run

Copy Python plotting module needed for tutorial:

cp $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/tutorial_files/ $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/scm/etc/scripts

Run the following to generate plots for the TWP-ICE case:

Note: if you are using a Docker container, add -d at the end of the following command

./ twpice_all_suites.ini

You will notice some harmless messages pertaining to “Missing variables”, which are just meant to alert the user that some suites do not have certain types of parameterizations. Therefore, tendencies for those types of parameterizations are set to zero.

The script creates a new subdirectory within the 

$SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/scm/run/ directory called plots_twpice_all_suites 

Change into that directory using the command

cd plots_twpice_all_suites/comp/active

For docker, this directory is /home/plots_twpice_all_suites/comp/active. This is also mounted outside of the container, so you can exit the container and view the output files on your home file system in the directory $OUT_DIR/plots_twpice_all_suites/comp/active.

This directory contains various plot files in PDF format. Open the files and inspect the various plots such as the precipitation time series and the mean profiles of water vapor specific humidity, cloud water mixing ratio, temperature, and temperature tendencies due to forcing and physics processes.

Q: Examine the prediction of precipitation in file time_series_tprcp_rate_inst.pdf. Would you say that the rain rate is well predicted in the SCM simulations?

A: All supported suites reasonably predict the evolution of rain rate as a function of time and the results for all suites are similar, indicating that, for this variable, the commonality of forcing is a stronger factor in determining the results than the differences among suites. However, it should be noted that none of the suites capture the magnitude of the largest four precipitation events.


Q: Examine the profiles of temperature bias in file profiles_bias_T.pdf. In the lower troposphere (between the surface and 600 hPa), which suite(s) have a positive bias and which have a negative bias? In absolute terms, which suite has the highest bias in the lower troposphere?


A: In the lower atmosphere, suites RRFS_v1beta, HRRR, and WoFS_v0 have a positive bias (that is, it is too warm compared to observations), while all other suites have a negative bias (that is, are too cold compared to observations). In the middle atmosphere, all suites have a negative temperature bias. Suites RRFS_v1beta, HRRR, and WoFS_v0 behave similarly and have the largest absolute bias, which reaches -4 K.

Q: Look at the tendencies due to deep and shallow convection in file profiles_mean_multi_conv_tendencies.pdf. Considering all suites, at approximately which level do the deep convective tendencies peak? And the shallow convection tendencies? Why are the convective tendencies for suite RRFS_v1beta zero?

A: The deep convective scheme represents cumulus clouds that span the entire troposphere and their tendencies peak at approximately 500 hPa. The shallow convective scheme represents clouds at the top of the planetary boundary layer, with maximum tendencies at approximately 950 hPa Suite RRFS_v1beta does not produce any convective tendencies since it does not include a convective scheme because it is targeted for convective-allowing resolutions.

Q: Since it does not include a convective parameterization, is it appropriate to use suite RRFS_v1beta for the SCM TWP-ICE case?

A: No, suite RRFS_v1beta is included with the SCM as-is for research purposes but it is not expected to produce reasonable results for the TWP-ICE case or other CCPP SCM cases involving deep convection. This is because forcing for existing cases assumes a horizontal scale for which deep convection is subgrid-scale and is expected to be parameterized. The RRFS_v1beta suite was designed for use in simulations with horizontal scale small enough not to need a deep convection parameterization active, and it does not contain a deep convective scheme. For suite RRFS_v1beta to produce reasonable results with the SCM, the forcing would have to be modified to account for deep convection.

carson Mon, 03/29/2021 - 15:40

Exercise 2: Create a new CCPP suite

Exercise 2: Create a new CCPP suite

Create a new CCPP suite, re-run the SCM, and inspect the output

In this exercise you will learn how to create a new suite and use it with the SCM. A new suite can have many different levels of sophistication. Here we will explore the simplest case, which is to add an existing CCPP physics scheme to an existing suite. In particular, we will create a modified version of the RRFS_v1beta suite that contains a convective parameterization, in this case the Simplified Arakawa Schubert (SAS) scheme. One might find it useful to employ a convective parameterization (CP) when the model grid is too coarse to explicitly allow convection and when using a SCM with a forcing dataset that represents an average over a large area (such as the datasets distributed with CCPP v6.0.0). 

Note that no effort has been made to optimize the inter-parameterization communication in this new suite (for example, how microphysics and convection exchange information). This new suite is offered as a technical exercise only and its results should be interpreted with caution. If you want to learn more about creating suites,  read the  chapter on constructing suites in the CCPP Technical Documentation as it describes how Suite Definition Files (SDFs) are constructed.

This exercise has four steps:

  • Create a New Suite Definition File for Suite  SCM_RRFS_v1beta_sas 
  • Prepare the Namelist File for the New Suite
  • Rebuild the SCM
  • Run the SCM and Inspect the Output

Step 1: Create a New Suite Definition File for suite SCM_RRFS_v1beta_sas

You will create a new SDF based on the SCM_RRFS_v1beta, but with the scale-aware SAS cumulus scheme. Note that interstitial schemes must also be added.

cd $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/ccpp/suites/
cp suite_SCM_RRFS_v1beta.xml suite_SCM_RRFS_v1beta_sas.xml 

Edit ccpp/suites/suite_SCM_RRFS_v1beta_sas.xml and 

  • Change the suite name to “SCM_RRFS_v1beta_sas”
  • Add the scale-aware SAS deep and shallow cumulus schemes, the associated scheme/generic interstitial schemes, and the convective cloud cover diagnostic scheme to the “physics” group. The schemes you need to add are listed in bold below. You can also copy the new SDF instead of creating your own.
  • Please note that the order of schemes within groups of a suite definition file is the order in which they will be executed. In this case, the placement of the schemes follows the placement of convective schemes from other GFS-based suites. In particular, deep convection precedes shallow convection and both need to appear in the time-split section of the “slow physics” part of the suite and before the microphysics scheme is called. Decisions about the order of schemes in general are guided by many factors related to physics-dynamics coupling, including numerical stability, and should be considered carefully. For example, one of the considerations should be to understand the “data flow” within a suite for each variable used within the added schemes, e.g. when/where the variables are modified in pre-existing schemes. This can be achieved by examining the variables’ Fortran “intents” in the pre-existing schemes’ metadata.

The suite name SCM_RRFS_v1beta_sas is listed below with the necessary additions highlighted in bold

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<suite name="SCM_RRFS_v1beta_sas" version="1">
  <!-- <init></init> -->
  <group name="time_vary">
    <subcycle loop="1">
  <group name="radiation">
    <subcycle loop="1">
  <group name="physics">
    <subcycle loop="1">
    <!-- Surface iteration loop -->
    <subcycle loop="2">
    <!-- End of surface iteration loop -->
    <subcycle loop="1">
  <!-- <finalize></finalize> -->

Note: If you don’t want to type, you can copy a pre-generated SDF into place: 

cp $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/tutorial_files/create_new_suite/suite_SCM_RRFS_v1beta_sas.xml $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/ccpp/suites

The detailed explanation of each primary physics scheme can be found in the CCPP Scientific Documentation. A short explanation of each scheme is below:

Step 2: Prepare the Namelist File for the New Suite

We will use the default RRFS_v1beta namelist input file to create the namelist file for the new suite:

cd $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/ccpp/physics_namelists
cp input_RRFS_v1beta.nml input_RRFS_v1beta_sas.nml

Next, edit file input_RRFS_v1beta_sas.nml and modify the following namelist options to conform with the deep/shallow saSAS cumulus schemes in the SDF file :

shal_cnv   = .true.
do_deep    = .true.
imfdeepcnv = 2
imfshalcnv = 2

Check the Description of Physics Namelist Options for information.

Note: If you don’t want to type, you can copy a pre-generated namelist into place: 

cp $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/tutorial_files/create_new_suite/input_RRFS_v1beta_sas.nml $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/ccpp/physics_namelists

Step 3: Rebuild the SCM

Now follow these commands to rebuild the SCM with the new suite included:

cd $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/scm/bin
cmake ../src -DCCPP_SUITES=ALL
make -j4

In addition to defining a SDF for a new suite, which only contains information about which schemes are used, one also needs to define parameters needed by the schemes in the suite (namelist file) as well as which tracers (tracer file) the SCM should carry that a given physics suite expects. There are two ways to provide this information at runtime. 

  1. The first way is by giving command line arguments to the run script. For the namelist file, specify it with -n namelist_file.nml (assuming that the namelist file is in $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/ccpp/physics_namelists). For the tracer file, specify it with -t tracer_file.txt (assuming the tracer file is in $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/scm/etc/tracer_config).
  2. The second way is to define default namelist and tracer configuration files associated with the new suite in the $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/scm/src/ file, where a Python list is created containing default information for the SDFs.

If you are planning on using a new suite more than just for testing purposes, it makes sense to use the second method so that you don’t have to continually use the -n and -t command line arguments when using the new suite to run the SCM.

If you try to run the SCM using a new suite and don’t specify a namelist and a tracer configuration file using either method, the run script will generate a fatal error.

For the purpose of this tutorial, you will add new default values for the new suite to make your life easier, option 2. Edit $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/scm/src/ to add default namelist and tracer files associated with two suites that we will create in this tutorial (the second suite has yet to be discussed, but let’s add it now for expediency):

suite_list = []
suite_list.append(suite('SCM_GFS_v16',               'tracers_GFS_v16.txt',            'input_GFS_v16.nml', 600.0, 1800.0, True ))
suite_list.append(suite('SCM_GFS_v17_p8',         'tracers_GFS_v17_p8.txt',      'input_GFS_v17_p8.nml', 600.0, 600.0,  True ))
suite_list.append(suite('SCM_RAP',                       'tracers_RAP.txt',                    'input_RAP.nml', 600.0, 600.0 , True ))
suite_list.append(suite('SCM_RRFS_v1beta',        'tracers_RRFS_v1beta.txt',    'input_RRFS_v1beta.nml', 600.0, 600.0 , True ))
suite_list.append(suite('SCM_WoFS_v0',               'tracers_WoFS_v0.txt',           'input_WoFS_v0.nml', 600.0, 600.0 , True ))
suite_list.append(suite('SCM_HRRR',                     'tracers_HRRR.txt',                'input_HRRR.nml', 600.0, 600.0 , True ))
suite_list.append(suite('SCM_RRFS_v1beta_sas', 'tracers_RRFS_v1beta.txt',     'input_RRFS_v1beta_sas.nml', 600.0, 600.0 , False))
suite_list.append(suite('SCM_RRFS_v1beta_sas_sfcmod', 'tracers_RRFS_v1beta.txt', 'input_RRFS_v1beta_sas.nml', 600.0, 600.0 , False))

Note: If you don’t want to type, you can copy pre-generated files into place:

cp $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/tutorial_files/create_new_suite/ $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/scm/src

Step 4: Run the Model and Inspect Output

Execute the following command to run the SCM for the TWP-ICE case using the new suite. Note that you don’t need to specify a tracer or namelist file since default ones now exist for this new suite.

Note: if you are using a Docker container, add -d at the end of the command

./ -c twpice -s SCM_RRFS_v1beta_sas 

Upon completion of build, the following subdirectory will be created with a log file and results in NetCDF format in file


In order to generate graphics, first prepare a configuration file for the plotting script using the commands below. 

Change into the following directory:

cd $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/scm/etc/scripts/
cp plot_configs/twpice_all_suites.ini plot_configs/twpice_scm_tutorial.ini

Edit plot_configs/twpice_scm_tutorial.ini. Since we only want to check how the scale-aware SAS scheme impacts the default RRFS_v1beta suite, simply list the two suites in the first two lines of the file.  Note that the second line defines the labels of the lines in the output plots and the third line defines the output directory for the plots.

scm_datasets = output_twpice_SCM_RRFS_v1beta/, output_twpice_SCM_RRFS_v1beta_sas/
scm_datasets_labels = RRFSv1beta, RRFSv1beta_sas
plot_dir = plots_twpice_R_sas/

Note: If you don’t want to type, you can copy over a pre-generated plot configuration file:

cp $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/tutorial_files/create_new_suite/twpice_scm_tutorial.ini $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/scm/etc/scripts/plot_configs

Change into the following directory:

cd $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/scm/run
ln -s $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/scm/etc/scripts/plot_configs/twpice_scm_tutorial.ini twpice_scm_tutorial.ini 

Create the plots with the new suite with the command below.

Note: if you are using a Docker container, add -d at the end of the command

./ twpice_scm_tutorial.ini

The script creates a new subdirectory within the $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/scm/run/ directory called plots_twpice_R_sas/comp/active and places the graphics in there. Open the files and inspect the various plots for changes introduced by adding a convective parameterization.

Inspect the SCM Results

Q: Examine the prediction of precipitation in file time_series_tprcp_rate_inst.pdf. How does the new suite change the precipitation? 

A: The time series of precipitation shows that RRFS_v1beta with or without saSAS deep and shallow schemes produces similar results.

Q: Examine the profiles of temperature bias in file profiles_bias_T.pdf. How does adding a convective parameterization affect the vertical distribution of temperature bias?


A: It is interesting to see that, when a cumulus scheme is added, the positive temperature bias below 600 hPa and the negative bias around the 200 hPa  are adjusted to -1 K, which is similar to the bias of other physics suites designed for applications in coarser grid spacing, as seen in the previous exercise.



carson Tue, 03/30/2021 - 14:37

Exercise 3: Add a new CCPP-compliant scheme

Exercise 3: Add a new CCPP-compliant scheme

Adding a New CCPP-Compliant Scheme

In this exercise you will learn how  to implement a new scheme in CCPP. This will be a simple case in which all variables that need to be passed to and from the physics are already defined in the host model and available for the physics. You will create a new CCPP-compliant scheme to modify the sensible and latent heat fluxes by adding a tunable amount to each of them. You will then implement the new scheme, which we will call fix_sys_bias_sfc, in the SCM_RRFS_v1beta suite. Note that this procedure is provided only as an exercise to examine the impact of the surface fluxes on the prediction. While correcting the surface fluxes can help fix systematic biases,  there is no scientific basis for arbitrarily modifying the fluxes in this case.

This exercise has four steps:

  • Prepare a CCPP-compliant scheme 
  • Add the scheme to the Cmake list of files
  • Add the scheme to the Suite Definition File
  • Run the model and inspect the output

Step 1: Prepare a CCPP-compliant Scheme

The first step is to prepare a new CCPP-compliant scheme, which in this case will be called fix_sys_bias_sfc and will be responsible for “tuning” the surface fluxes. A skeleton CCPP-compliant scheme is provided for you to download into your codebase and continue developing. Two skeleton files (fix_sys_bias_sfc.F90 and fix_sys_bias_sfc.meta), which is the scheme itself and the metadata file with the description of the variables passed to and from the scheme, need to be copied from tutorial_files/ directory and into the CCPP physics source code directory:

cp $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/tutorial_files/add_new_scheme/fix_sys_bias_sfc_skeleton.F90 $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/ccpp/physics/physics/fix_sys_bias_sfc.F90
cp $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/tutorial_files/add_new_scheme/fix_sys_bias_sfc_skeleton.meta $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/ccpp/physics/physics/fix_sys_bias_sfc.meta

In the file fix_sys_bias_sfc.F90, you will need to add the following modifications to the subroutine  fix_sys_bias_sfc_run:

  • Add hflx_r and qflx_r which correspond to the sensible and latent heat flux, respectively,  to the argument list in subroutine fix_sys_bias_sfc_run with 

subroutine fix_sys_bias_sfc_run (im, con_cp, con_rd, con_hvap, p1, t1, hflx_r, qflx_r, errmsg, errflg)

  • Declare and allocate variables hflx_r and qflx_r

real(kind=kind_phys), intent(inout) :: hflx_r(:), qflx_r(:)
  • Add code to modify the surface fluxes by adding a tunable amount of each of them or, in case of negative fluxes, setting the fluxes to zero. Note that the modification factors are converted to kinematic units since the variables hflx_r and qflx_r are in kinematic units, not W m2.
do i=1, im
   rho = p1(i)/(con_rd*t1(i))
   !convert mod_factor to kinematic units and add
   hflx_r(i) = MAX(sens_mod_factor/(rho*con_cp) + hflx_r(i), 0.0)
   qflx_r(i) = MAX(lat_mod_factor/(rho*con_hvap) + qflx_r(i), 0.0)

end do

Where con_rd (287.05 J kg-1 K-1; ideal gas constant for dry air), con_cp (1004.6 J kg-1 K-1; specific heat of dry air at constant pressure), and con_hvap (2.5106 J kg-1; latent heat of evaporation and sublimation) are constants defined in the host model ($SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/scm/src/scm_physical_constants.F90), and  sens_mod_factor and lat_mod_factor are arbitrary constants defined locally:

   real(kind=kind_phys), parameter :: sens_mod_factor = 0 !W m-2              
   real(kind=kind_phys), parameter :: lat_mod_factor = 40 !W m-2              

Given the value of the constants, this results in an increase of 40 W m-2 to the surface latent heat flux, while the sensible heat flux is not altered.                                                                                                            

After saving your changes, edit the corresponding metadata file: fix_sys_bias_sfc.meta to add variables hflx_r and qflx_r after the entry for variable t1. The order of the variables on the table should match the order of the arguments in the subroutine call.

The metadata file needs to be populated with the same variables as the subroutine fix_sys_bias_sfc_run call:

  standard_name = air_temperature_at_surface_adjacent_layer
  long_name = mean temperature at lowest model layer
  units = K
  dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
  type = real
  kind = kind_phys
  intent = in
  standard_name = surface_upward_specific_humidity_flux
  long_name = kinematic surface upward latent heat flux
  units = kg kg-1 m s-1
  dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
  type = real
  kind = kind_phys
  intent = inout
  standard_name = surface_upward_temperature_flux
  long_name = kinematic surface upward sensible heat flux
  units = K m s-1
  dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
  type = real
  kind = kind_phys
  intent = inout


Note: If you don’t want to type, you can copy over completed versions of these files:

cp $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/tutorial_files/add_new_scheme/fix_sys_bias_sfc.F90 $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/ccpp/physics/physics
cp $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/tutorial_files/add_new_scheme/fix_sys_bias_sfc.meta $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/ccpp/physics/physics

Step 2: Add the Scheme To the Cmake List of Files

Now that the CCPP-compliant scheme fix_sys_bias_sfc.F90 and the accompanying fix_sys_bias_sfc.meta are complete, it is the time to add the scheme to the CCPP prebuild configuration. 

Edit file $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/ccpp/config/ and include scheme fix_sys_bias_sfc.F90 in the SCHEME_FILES section:

    'ccpp/physics/physics/mynnsfc_wrapper.F90'                     ,
    'ccpp/physics/physics/fix_sys_bias_sfc.F90'                    ,

Note: If you don’t want to type, you can copy over completed version:

cp $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/tutorial_files/add_new_scheme/ $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/ccpp/config

Step 3: Add the Scheme To the Suite Definition File

The next step is to create a new Suite Definition File (SDF) and edit it so that it lists the scheme fix_sys_bias_sfc just after the GFS_surface_generic_post interstitial scheme:

First, create a new SDF from an existing SDF.

cd $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/ccpp/suites/
cp suite_SCM_RRFS_v1beta_sas.xml suite_SCM_RRFS_v1beta_sas_sfcmod.xml

Next, the new SDF, suite_SCM_RRFS_v1beta_sas_sfcmod.xml, needs the following modifications:

  • Change the suite name to “SCM_RRFS_v1beta_sas_sfcmod
  • Add the scheme “fix_sys_bias_sfc” after GFS_surface_generic_post

Note: If you don’t want to type, you can copy the completed SDF and modified supported  suite_list:

cp $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/tutorial_files/add_new_scheme/suite_SCM_RRFS_v1beta_sas_sfcmod.xml $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/ccpp/suites
cp $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/tutorial_files/create_new_suite/ $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/scm/src/

Step 4: Run the Model and Inspect the Output

After creating the new SDF, follow these commands to rebuild the SCM executable:

cd $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/scm/bin
cmake ../src -DCCPP_SUITES=ALL
make -j4

The following two commands will run the SCM for the TWP-ICE case using the modified suite containing the fix_sys_bias_sfc scheme, respectively.

Note: if you are using a Docker container, add -d at the end of the command

./ -c twpice -s SCM_RRFS_v1beta_sas_sfcmod

Upon completion of the run, the following subdirectory will be created containing a log file and results in NetCDF format in file


Now you will create plots to visualize the results. Edit $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/scm/etc/scripts/plot_configs/twpice_scm_tutorial.ini to define the results that will be displayed: the RRFS_v1beta_sas results (which use the saSAS scheme), and the new results obtained with the surface fluxes modification:

scm_datasets = output_twpice_SCM_RRFS_v1beta_sas/,
scm_datasets_labels = RRFSv1beta_sas,RRFSv1beta_sas_sfcmod
plot_dir = plots_twpice_sas_sfcmod/

Note: If you don’t want to type, you can copy over a pre-generated plot configuration file:

cp $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/tutorial_files/add_new_scheme/twpice_scm_tutorial.ini $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/scm/etc/scripts/plot_configs

Change into the following directory:

cd $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/scm/run/

Create the plots for the new suite with the command below.

Note: if you are using a Docker container, add -d at the end of the command

./ twpice_scm_tutorial.ini

The new plots are under: 


Inspect the SCM results

Q: Examine the time series of latent and sensible heat fluxes in files time_series_lhf.pdf and time_series_shf.pdf, respectively. Are the modified latent and sensible heat fluxes as expected?


A: Compared to RRFSv1beta_sas, the surface latent heat flux in RRFSv1beta_sas_sfcmod is increased as expected, and the surface sensible heat flux is adjusted to a lower value.


Q: Examine the vertical profile of convective tendencies in file profiles_mean_dT_dt_conv.pdf. How  does the increased latent heat flux affect the atmospheric convection?

The evaporation process associated with the increased surface latent heat flux makes more moisture available in the atmosphere, which triggers stronger convection.

A: This exercise shows us that if some properties of the surface energy budget system change in such a way that the surface latent heat flux goes up, the system will rebalance to compensate for this change. In this case, we note that the sensible heat flux was reduced after the second day of forecast, even though we did not modify it directly. The sensible heat flux depends on the difference in temperature between the sea surface temperature and the air, the wind speed, and the surface heat exchange coefficient. Given that sea surface temperature changes very slowly, the changes in sensible heat flux can be attributed to lowering of the air temperature or increase in the wind speed. Those are non-linear effects deriving from the increase in latent heat flux.


carson Tue, 03/30/2021 - 14:44

Exercise 4: Add a new variable

Exercise 4: Add a new variable

Add a new variable to a CCPP-compliant scheme

Adding a New Variable

In this section, we will explore how to pass a new variable onto an existing scheme. The surface latent and sensible heat fluxes will be adjusted in scheme fix_sys_bias_sfc to be time-dependent using the existing variable solhr (time in hours after 00 UTC at the current timestep). The surface fluxes will now only be modified between the hours of 20:30 and 8:30 UTC, which correspond to the hours of 6:00 AM and 6:00 PM local time in Darwin, Australia, where this case is located. 

Step 1: Add Time Dependency to the fix_sys_bias_sfc_time Scheme

Edit file $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/ccpp/physics/physics/fix_sys_bias_sfc.F90 and add solhr to the argument list for subroutine fix_sys_bias_sfc_run:

subroutine fix_sys_bias_sfc_run (im, con_cp, con_rd, con_hvap, p1, t1, solhr, hflx_r, qflx_r, errmsg, errflg)

Then declare solhr as a real variable:

real(kind=kind_phys), intent(in) :: solhr

Next, add the time-dependent surface flux modification using an if statement between the CCPP error message handling and the do loop:

if (solhr > 8.5 .and. solhr < 20.5) return

A metadata entry should be added to the table for subroutine fix_sys_bias_sfc_run in file $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/ccpp/physics/physics/fix_sys_bias_sfc.meta.

  standard_name = air_temperature_at_surface_adjacent_layer
  long_name = mean temperature at lowest model layer
  units = K
  dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
  type = real
  kind = kind_phys
  intent = in
  standard_name = forecast_utc_hour
  long_name = time in hours after 00z at the current timestep
  units = h
  dimensions = ()
  type = real
  kind = kind_phys
  intent = in

Note: If you don’t want to type, you can copy over completed versions of these files:

cp $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/tutorial_files/add_new_variable/fix_sys_bias_sfc.F90 $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/ccpp/physics/physics
cp $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/tutorial_files/add_new_variable/fix_sys_bias_sfc.meta $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/ccpp/physics/physics

Since solhr is an existing variable, you do not need to modify the host model. Additionally, no changes are needed in the SDF or in the prebuild script since you are simply modifying a scheme and not adding a new scheme. You can proceed to rebuilding the SCM.

Step 2: Build the Executable, Run the Model, and Inspect the Output

Issue these commands to rebuild the SCM executable :

cd $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/scm/bin
cmake ../src -DCCPP_SUITES=ALL

In order to avoid overwriting the output produced in exercise “Add a new scheme”, first rename the output directory:

mv $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/scm/run/output_twpice_SCM_RRFS_v1beta_sas_sfcmod $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/scm/run/output_twpice_RSAS_sfcmod

The following command will run the SCM for the TWP-ICE case using suite RRFS_v1beta_sas_sfcmod with scheme fix_sys_bias_sfc modified to use variable solhr:

Note: if you are using a Docker container, add -d at the end of the command

./ -c twpice -s SCM_RRFS_v1beta_sas_sfcmod 

Upon completion of the run, the following subdirectory will be created, with a log file and results in NetCDF format in file


To visualize the results, edit file $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/scm/etc/scripts/plot_configs/twpice_scm_tutorial.ini and add the new test directory name and label name to the first two lines:

scm_datasets = output_twpice_SCM_RRFS_v1beta_sas/,
output_twpice_RSAS_sfcmod/, output_twpice_SCM_RRFS_v1beta_sas_sfcmod/
scm_datasets_labels = RRFSv1beta_sas,RRFSv1beta_sas_sfcmod,RRFSv1beta_sas_sfcmod_time
plot_dir = plots_twpice_R_sas_sfcmod_time/

Note: If you don’t want to type, you can copy over a pre-generated plot configuration file:

cp $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/tutorial_files/add_new_variable/twpice_scm_tutorial.ini $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/scm/etc/scripts/plot_configs

Change into the following directory:

cd $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/scm/run/

Next, run the following command to generate plots for the last three exercises in this tutorial.

Note: if you are using a Docker container, add -d at the end of the command

./ twpice_scm_tutorial.ini

The script creates a new subdirectory within the $SCM_WORK/ccpp-scm/scm/run/ directory called plots_twpice_R_sas_sfcmod_time/comp/active

Inspect the Results

Q: Examine the surface latent heat flux and the surface sensible heat flux  in files time_series_shf.pdf and time_series_lhf.pdf, respectively. How does the latent heat flux differ from the previous exercise?

A: Instead of adding 40 W m-2 to the latent heat flux throughout the simulation, the latent heat flux value was modified only between the hours of 6 AM and 6 PM local time to mimic the observed diurnal cycle feature.

Q: Examine the temperature bias and the specific humidity bias  in files profiles_bias_T.pdf and profiles_bias_qv.pdf, respectively. How are the temperature and moisture profiles affected by the surface latent heat flux  modification?

A: When the surface latent heat flux is increased in the TWP-ICE case, the column temperature and moisture are improved in the middle and lower troposphere, but it turns out to be too hot and humid around 400 hPa.

carson Tue, 03/30/2021 - 14:45

Contributing Development

Contributing Development
carson Tue, 03/30/2021 - 11:18

Contributing Development

The development process for the CCPP and SCM makes use of the tools git and GitHub for code development.  There are three code repositories, and new development may be contributed to any or all of them.

The SCM and CCPP components are housed in authoritative (official) repositories. git submodules are used in the SCM to manage the CCPP subcomponents.

  • All the authoritative repositories are read-only for users.
  • Branches under the authoritative repositories include the main development  (main) branch, production branches, and public release branches.
  • Branches under the authoritative repositories are protected.
  • New development will almost always start from the authoritative repository development branch, so that it can easily be merged. 


First steps


1. Setup a GitHub Account. Go to and create an account.

2. Create a GitHub issue in the repository where you will be doing development.  This allows other developers to review your proposed work, make suggestions, and track progress as you work.

3. Create a fork via github:

  • Login to your personal GitHub account
  • Go to the official code repository website (e.g.
  • Click on “fork” on the top right corner. You will see the repository in your own GitHub account.

Expert Tip: Why use a fork? 
  • A fork is a copy of an original repository on your GitHub account. You manage your own fork.
  • Forks let you make changes to a project without affecting the original repository.
  • You can fetch updates from the original repository.
  • You can submit changes to the original repository with pull requests (PRs).
  • For more details, please see Working with forks.


Clone the repository


Cloning a repository creates a copy on to your local machine. To begin a new development effort, you will need to start with the latest version of the repository development branch.  For the CCPP and SCM repositories, this is the “main” branch.  From this branch, you will create a new branch, and add your development there.

1. Clone the authoritative repository:

git clone
cd ccpp-physics

2. Update your remotes.  Git uses a named remote to refer to repositories.  By default, “origin” is the name for the repository from which this local copy was cloned. We will rename this to “upstream” and add a new remote for your own fork, for development.

git remote rename origin upstream
git remote add origin<your_github_username>/ccpp-physics

3. Check out the main branch and create a new branch for your local development 

git checkout main
git checkout -b feature/my_new_work
Expert Tip: Starting point for new development
New development will almost always start from the authoritative repository development branch, so that it can easily be merged.  While you have been using a release tag for this tutorial, please use the latest code if you plan to contribute new development. 

4. Push this branch to your fork as an initial starting point.  First confirm your remotes

git remote -v
  origin<your_github_username>/ccpp-physics (fetch)
  origin<your_github_username>/ccpp-physics (push)
  upstream (fetch)
  upstream (push)
git push origin feature/my_new_work


Code Development


Now you are ready to begin development by modifying or adding files. Once you have some changes made, you should use your repository fork to archive them.

The git code development process uses frequent updates and detailed log messages to ensure that a detailed record of your changes can be reviewed by others.  The basic steps are:

git add <filename> --- to add a new file, or a file with changes, to the commit 
git commit --- to commit all of the changes that have been “added” by git add
git push --- to push these latest changes to your GitHub fork

More information about the git code development process can be found at:

Additional details describing the code development process for the UFS Weather Model, including how to handle nested submodules, can be found at:

Pull Requests

A PR tells the code managers that your code changes from your feature branch are ready to undergo a review process for being merged into the main branch in the official repository. 

Creating a PR

  • Go to the your_github_account repository, choose your branch, then click on “Pull request”.

  • In the next page, choose base repository and base branch. By default, PRs are based on the parent repository default branch, click “create pull request”.
  • Provide a Title. If the PR is for production or release branch, put the production or release branch at the beginning of the title. E.g. “Release/public-v2: update build script.”
  • Fill out the template
  • Click on “Create Pull Request” or “Create Draft Pull Request” button.

Code review

  • Reviews allow collaborators to comment on the changes proposed in pull requests, approve the changes, or request further changes before the pull request is merged.
  • Anyone with read access can review and comment on the changes it proposes.
  • Developers are expected to address the comments made by the reviewers.
  • Reviewers are expected to review the code promptly so that the commit will not be delayed.
  • Any code changes can be committed and pushed to your fork, and the PR will automatically update.

Code Commit

  • After the code changes have been reviewed and approved by at least one code owner and any additional requested reviewers, the code owners will merge the changes into the main branch.

How to Get Help

How to Get Help
carson Tue, 03/30/2021 - 11:44

How to Get Help

User support is available for the CCPP SCM and CCPP.   An overview of the CCPP User support can be found at:

This site provides links to:

  • Documentation
  • FAQs
  • Instructional Videos
  • Online tutorials
  • Developer Information

Send questions regarding any aspect of CCPP SCM or CCPP to GitHub Discussions at:


For questions specific to using the CCPP with the UFS, questions can be posted on this forum:


How to Provide Feedback on this Tutorial


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