Community GSIV3.7 Online Tutorial
Community GSIV3.7 Online TutorialNote: These instructions pertain to the 2018 community GSI release V3.7 only.
Community GSIV3.7 Online Tutorial
Note: These instructions pertain to the 2018 community GSI release V3.7 only. See the other instructions if you are using another release.
Navigating the GSI Online Tutorial
Throughout this tutorial, you will have to type several commands on the command line and edit settings in several files.
Several exercises are available to target various dynamical cores and data assimilation techniques. Select any of the following practice cases below to get started.
Getting Started
Getting Started cindyhg Mon, 07/15/2019 - 14:19Getting Started
Download and Build GSI System
Download and Build GSI System cindyhg Mon, 07/15/2019 - 14:20BUILDING GSI FROM SCRATCH
Obtaining the source code & setting up the directory
This exercise is intended to give you practice building the GSI system. This version of GSI system includes a WRF I/O library. There are no need to build the WRF model for this version GSI building.
The community GSI resources, including source code, build system, utilities, and fix files, are available for download from the DTC community GSI users website:
The code downloads will result in the following tar file:
GSI requires use of CRTM coefficients to analyze satellite radiance observations. Due to their large size, these are available as a separate tarfile available for download by selecting the link:
CRTM 2.3.0 Big_Endian coefficients tarball
The tars file may be unpacked using the UNIX commands:
tar -zxvf comGSIv3.7_EnKFv1.3.tar.gz
This creates the top level GSI directory:
Setting up the machine environment
Set the necessary paths for using your selected compiler, such as loading the appropriate modules or modifying your path variable.
Before configuring the GSI code to be built, at least one, and no more than two environment variables must be set.
- NETCDF: the path to the NETCDF libraries
- LAPACK_PATH: the path to the LAPACK math libraries
For more detail, see
GSIv3.7 Users' Guide
Chapter 2.
Configure and Compile the GSI code
This version GSI can ONLY be compiled with Cmake.
First create a building directory (any name works) outside the GSI directory:
mkdir build
Then, get into this building directory
cd build
Now run cmake to configure makefile by typing:
cmake ${Path To GSI Home Directory}/comGSIv3.7_EnKFv1.3
Cmake will check your computer environment and generate the makefile. A successful cmake run should end with:
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: (Path_of_this_directory)/build
The building directory includes many new file and directories generated from Cmake:
bin cmake_install.cmake include Makefile Testing
CMakeCache.txt CTestTestfile.cmake lib regression_var.out util
CMakeFiles DartConfiguration.tcl libsrc src
Now, we can simply run make to compile the GSI and its untilities:
If the compilation is successful, the executable gsi.x
, will be created in the ./bin
directory. If the compilation is not successful, run make with make VERBOSE=1
to collect more information on errors.
After a successful compilation:
Once GSI compiled correctly, return to the online tutorial page to set up and run the case(s) of your choice.
Download Practice Data
Download Practice Data cindyhg Mon, 07/15/2019 - 14:24DOWNLOAD DATA FOR PRACTICE
The links to download data for practice cases
Please see the following linkes to download the corresponding data for cases you want to practice:
- ARW case 1 to 7: 2018081212 case
- ARW case 6, additional data needed: 2018081218 case
- GSI analysis for HWRF (case 8): Please refer to HWRF tutorial
- WRF Chem case (case 9,10): Chem Data
- GFS case (case 11): T62 case
Prepare Base Run Script
Prepare Base Run Script cindyhg Mon, 07/15/2019 - 14:25PREPARE RUN SCRIPT FOR BASIC CASES
Setting up the Run Script
The GSI run script ush/comgsi_run_regional.ksh
, which is provided with the source code, must be customized to the local environment. These changes include things such as the analysis time and date, the path to files, and MPI specific information, which are necessary for running all of tutorial cases.
For this tutorial, start by copying the original run script to a working copy
cd ${PATH of working directory}/run
cp ${PATH}/comGSIv3.7_EnKFv1.3/ush/comgsi_run_regional.ksh run_gsi_regional.ksh_basic
This will be used as the template for all the later scripts used in the regional practice.
Make the following modifications to the script run_gsi_regional.ksh_basic
- On top of the scripts, add an appropriate batch script. For example on Cheyenne:
- Set the variable
to 4 - Set the variable
, as an example value appropriate for Linux with PBS. - In the case set up section of the script, set the environment variables to values appropriate for your environment on your machine. For example:
HH=`echo $ANAL_TIME | cut -c9-10`
GSI_EXE=${JOB_DIR}/gsi.x #assume you have a copy of gsi.x here
- This example is only for ARW core background files.
if_4DEnVar=No # Yes, or, No -- case sensitive (set if_hybrid=Yes first)!
if_observer=No # Yes, or, No -- case sensitive !
if_nemsio=No # Yes, or, No -- case sensitive !
if_oneob=No # Yes, or, No -- case sensitive !
- Still in case set up setion, leave the following settings as default:
- Search Section # Link to the radiance data, look for the list of observations and comment the links to the BUFR file under this section:
submit run script
The basic run script can be submitted by if use Cheyenne:
qsub run_gsi_regional.ksh_basic
An example of this basic run script is available from the link run_gsi_regional.ksh_basic
check the results
After job finished, a new directory ./basic will appear under current directory. The files in directory ./basic is listed here and the stdout from this basic run is available here
ARW Practice Cases
ARW Practice Cases cindyhg Mon, 07/15/2019 - 14:37Exercises
ARW Practice Cases
Case 1: Single observation test with GLOBAL BE
Case 1: Single observation test with GLOBAL BE cindyhg Mon, 07/15/2019 - 14:38ARW SINGLE OBSERVATION TEST W/ GLOBAL BE
This exercise consists of running the GSI analysis with a single pseudo observation at a specified location, to illustrate how that observation influences the analysis.
Further information on setting up a single observation test is available in section 4.2 of the GSI User's Guide.
The ARW background field is provided in netcdf format, and the global BE is employed as the background error covariance.
Setting up the Run Script
Setting up the Run Script cindyhg Mon, 07/15/2019 - 14:40ARW SINGLE OBSERVATION TEST W/ GLOBAL BE
Setting up the Run Script
For this exercise, make a copy of the prepared basic run script from the section Prepare run script for basic cases:
cp run_gsi_regional.ksh run_gsi_regional.ksh_psot
.Make the following additional modifications to the script
- Set the name/path for the analysis run directory
- Set up the one observation test option to true
- Select the background field format
- Select the global background error covariance
An example of this run script is available from the link run_gsi_regional.ksh
Check the GSI namelist
Users can check the namelist to see how to set up a single observation test. The related namelist options include :
- Set the location of the pseudo observation:
An example namelist is available here.
Running the Script
Running the Script cindyhg Mon, 07/15/2019 - 14:40ARW SINGLE OBSERVATION TEST W/ GLOBAL BE
Running the Script
In this example, GSI is run as a 4-core MPI job. If you named your run script
and run on PBS system (Cheyenne), type:
qsub run_gsi_regional.ksh_psot
to launch the job. The progress of the job can be monitored by examining the tail of the standard out file in the run directory as set in the variable
tail stdout
When completed,the contents of this run directory are provided in the following list .
Case 2: Single observation test with NAM BE
Case 2: Single observation test with NAM BE cindyhg Mon, 07/15/2019 - 14:42ARW SINGLE OBSERVATION TEST W/ NAM BE
This exercise consists of running the GSI analysis with a single pseudo observation at a specified location, to illustrate how that observation influences the analysis.
Further information on setting up a single observation test is available in section 4.2 of the GSI User's Guide.
The ARW background field is provided in netcdf format, and the NAM (North American Mesoscale Model) BE is employed as the background error covariance.
Setting up the Run Script
Setting up the Run Script cindyhg Mon, 07/15/2019 - 14:43ARW SINGLE OBSERVATION TEST W/ NAM BE
Setting up the Run Script
For this exercise, make a copy of the prepared basic run script:
cp run_gsi_regional.ksh_basic run_gsi_regional.ksh_psot
.Make the following additional modifications to the script
- Set the name/path for the analysis run directory
- Set up the one observation test option to true
- Select the background field format
- Select the NAM background error covariance
An example of this run script is available from the link run_gsi_regional.ksh
Check the GSI namelist
Users can check the namelist to see how to set up a single observation test. The related namelist options include :
- Set the location of the pseudo observation:
An example namelist is available here.
Running the Script
Running the Script cindyhg Mon, 07/15/2019 - 14:44ARW SINGLE OBSERVATION TEST W/ NAM BE
Running the Script
In this example, GSI is run as a 4-core MPI job. If you named your run script
and run on PBS system (Cheyenne), type:
qsub run_gsi_regional.ksh
to launch the job.
The progress of the job can be monitored by examining the tail of the standard out file in the run directory as specified in the variable
tail stdout
When completed, the contents of this run directory are provided in the following list .
Results cindyhg Mon, 07/15/2019 - 14:45ARW SINGLE OBSERVATION TEST W/ NAM BE
The standard output file
contains the run diagnostics, such as convergence information and observation distribution from the GSI run. Details of the standard output file are available in section 4.1 of the GSI User's Guide.Information about the use of observations by the analysis, and the corresponding statistics are available from the fit files (named
). The fit files located in the run directory should agree with the following fit files for temperature (fit_t1); wind (fit_w1);moisture (fit_q1); surface pressure (fit_p1).
Visualizing the Analysis
The model analysis may be visualized through use of the ncl script GSI_singleobs_arw.ncl provided with the community GSI under ./util/Analysis_Utilities/plots_ncl. It plots the XY (left column) and XZ (right column) cross sections of the analysis increment fields through the grid point that has the maximum temperature increment.
To visualize your output, copy the ncl script to run directory and change lines:
- change
cdf_analysis =
addfile("wrf_inout.cdf","r") to point to analysis results.
- change
cdf_bk =
addfile("${DATA_ROOT}/wrfout_d01_2018-08-12_12:00:00.cdf","r") to point to background.
A sample script can be found at GSI_singleobs_arw.ncl
Once you have customized the script, run the script with the command:
ncl GSI_singleobs_arw.ncl
The script will generate a file: GSI_singleObse_T_arw.pdf. Use
display GSI_singleObse_T_arw.pdf
to show the image. Compare this image with the reference solution [PDF] for this configuration.
Case 3: 3DVAR with conventional data (PrepBUFR)
Case 3: 3DVAR with conventional data (PrepBUFR) cindyhg Tue, 07/16/2019 - 10:473DVAR GSI USING ARW BACKGROUND (PREPBUFR)
This exercise consists of running the GSI analysis with an ARW netcdf formatted background field, conventional data from prepbufr.
Further information on setting up the run is available in chapter 3 of the GSI User's Guide.
The ARW background field is provided in netcdf format, and the regional NAM BE is employed as the background error covariance.
Setting up the Run Script
Setting up the Run Script cindyhg Tue, 07/16/2019 - 10:483DVAR GSI USING ARW BACKGROUND (PREPBUFR)
Setting up the Run Script
For this exercise, make a copy of the previously prepared run script:
cp run_gsi_regional.ksh_basic run_gsi_regional.ksh
.Make the following additional modifications to the script
- Set the name/path for the analysis run directory to
WORK_ROOT=${run directory}
- Select the background field format
- Select the NAM regional background error covariance
- Comment out the links to the radiance data, gpsro and radar data:
# ln -s ${srcobsfile[$ii]} ${gsiobsfile[$ii]}
An example of this run script is available from the link run_gsi_regional.ksh
Running the Script
Running the Script cindyhg Tue, 07/16/2019 - 10:493DVAR GSI USING ARW BACKGROUND (PREPBUFR)
Running the Script
For this example, GSI is run as a 4-core MPI job. If you run on PBS system (Cheyenne), type:
qsub run_gsi_regional.ksh
to launch the job.
The progress of the job can be monitored by examining the tail of the standard out file in the run directory as specfied in the variable
tail stdout
The contents of this run directory are provided in the following list.
Results cindyhg Tue, 07/16/2019 - 10:493DVAR GSI USING ARW BACKGROUND (PREPBUFR)
The standard output file
contains the run diagnostics, such as convergence information, and observation distribution from the GSI run. Details of the standard output file are available in section 4.1 of the GSI User's Guide.Information about the use of observations by the analysis, and the corresponding innovations are available from the fit files (named
). The fit files located in the run directory should agree with the following fit files for temperature (fit_t1); wind(fit_w1); moisture (fit_q1); surface pressure (fit_p1); and radiance (fit_rad1); and GPS (fort.212); and radar radial velocity(fort.209).Convergence information is available in the file: fort.220
Visualizing the Analysis
The model analysis may be visualized through modifying the ncl script Analysis_increment.ncl provided with the community GSI under ./util/Analysis_Utilities/plots_ncl. This script plots the analysis increments from conventional observations at at level 1 and 20.
To visualize your output, copy the ncl script to run directory and make the following changes:
- Set:
cdf_analysis = addfile("wrf_inout.cdf","r")
to point to analysis results- Set:
cdf_bk = addfile("${PATH}/wrf_inout.cdf","r") to point to background file.
- Set:
for plot at level 2 or 20 for plot at level 21The sample scripts for these plots can be found at GSI_Analysis_increment.ncl
Once you have customized the script for your output directory, run the script with the command:
ncl GSI_Analysis_increment.ncl
Once done a pdf file GSI_Analysis_increment_20.pdf will be generated for 21 level analysis increment in the run directory. Compare these images with the reference solution [PDF]. Here is reference for the 2nd level [PDF].
Case 4: 3DVAR with conventional data (PrepBUFR) plus other data
Case 4: 3DVAR with conventional data (PrepBUFR) plus other data cindyhg Tue, 07/16/2019 - 10:503DVAR GSI USING ARW BACKGROUND (PREPBUFR AND OTHER OBS)
This exercise consists of running the GSI analysis with an ARW netcdf formatted background field, conventional data from prepbufr, satellite radiances, gpsro and radar data.
Further information on setting up the run is available in chapter 3 of the GSI User's Guide.
The ARW background field is provided in netcdf format, and the regional NAM BE is employed as the background error covariance.
Setting up the Run Script
Setting up the Run Script cindyhg Tue, 07/16/2019 - 10:513DVAR GSI USING ARW BACKGROUND (PREPBUFR AND OTHER OBS)
Setting up the Run Script
For this exercise, make a copy of the previously prepared run script:
cp run_gsi_regional.ksh_basic run_gsi_regional.ksh
.Make the following additional modifications to the script
- Set the name/path for the analysis run directory to
WORK_ROOT=${run directory}
- Select the background field format
- Select the NAM regional background error covariance
- Open the links to the radiance data, gpsro and radar data by un-commenting the following line:
ln -s ${srcobsfile[$ii]} ${gsiobsfile[$ii]}
An example of this run script is available from the link run_gsi_regional.ksh
Running the Script
Running the Script cindyhg Tue, 07/16/2019 - 10:513DVAR GSI USING ARW BACKGROUND (PREPBUFR AND OHTER OBS)
Running the Script
For this example, GSI is run as a 4-core MPI job. If you run on PBS system (Cheyenne), type:
qsub run_gsi_regional.ksh
to launch the job.
The progress of the job can be monitored by examining the tail of the standard out file in the run directory as specfied in the variable
tail stdout
The contents of this run directory are provided in the following list.
Results cindyhg Tue, 07/16/2019 - 10:523DVAR GSI USING ARW BACKGROUND (PREPBUFR AND OTHER OBS)
The standard output file
contains the run diagnostics, such as convergence information, and observation distribution from the GSI run. Details of the standard output file are available in section 4.1 of the GSI User's Guide.Information about the use of observations by the analysis, and the corresponding innovations are available from the fit files (named
). The fit files located in the run directory should agree with the following fit files for temperature (fit_t1); wind(fit_w1); moisture (fit_q1); surface pressure (fit_p1); and radiance (fit_rad1); and GPS (fort.212); and radar radial velocity(fort.209).Convergence information is available in the file: fort.220
Visualizing the Analysis
The model analysis may be visualized through modifying the ncl script Analysis_increment.ncl provided with the community GSI under ./util/Analysis_Utilities/plots_ncl. This script plots the data impact from additional satellite radiance, gpsro and radar data (analysis with conventional, satellite radiance, gpsro and radar data minus analysis with conventional data only) at level 31.
To visualize your output, copy the ncl script to run directory and make the following changes:
- Set:
cdf_analysis = addfile("wrf_inout.cdf","r") to point to analysis results
- Set:
cdf_bk = addfile("${Path to case 3 result}/wrf_inout.cdf","r") point to case 3 analysis file.
- Set:
for plot at level 21The sample scripts for these plots can be found at GSI_Analysis_increment.ncl
Once you have customized the script for your output directory, run the script with the command:
ncl Analysis_increment.ncl
Once done a pdf file GSI_Analysis_increment_20.pdf will be generated in the run directory. Compare these images with the reference solution [PDF].
Case 5: 3D Hybrid EnVar
Case 5: 3D Hybrid EnVar cindyhg Tue, 07/16/2019 - 10:53GSI 3D HYBRID FOR ARW USING GLOBAL ENSEMBLE FORECAST
This exercise runs the GSI 3 Dimensional Ensemble-Variational (EnVar) hybrid analysis with the ARW background, conventional data at 12z August 12, 2018.
Please note the ARW background field is provided in netcdf format, and the NAM BE is employed as the background error covariance in this experiment. The global ensemble forecasts are linked to run this GSI hybrid test.
Setting up the Run Script for GSI hybrid analysis
Setting up the Run Script for GSI hybrid analysis cindyhg Tue, 07/16/2019 - 10:53GSI 3D HYBRID FOR ARW USING GLOBAL ENSEMBLE FORECAST
Setting up the Run Script for GSI hybrid analysis
Copy the sample run script
from the practical case 3 (ARW 3DVAR with PrepBUFR) to a working directory and make the following modifications to run GSI hybrid analysis:
- Set the name/path for the analysis run directory to
WORK_ROOT=${run directory}
- Set the location of the ensemble files in the variable ENS_ROOT=...
- Set to run GSI hybrid analysis: if_hybrid=Yes
- Set not to run GSI 4D hybrid analysis: if_4DEnVar=No
Please note that the sample script provides links to the GFS ensemble data for this tutorial case only. If you are running your own GSI hybrid case with a different date, please make any necessary modifications to specify the variable ENS_ROOT and ENSEMBLE_FILE_mem in the run script.
Running the Script
Running the Script cindyhg Tue, 07/16/2019 - 10:54SETUP GSI 3D HYBRID FOR ARW USING GLOBAL ENSEMBLE FORECAST
Running the Script
If you run on PBS system (Cheyenne), type:
qsub run_gsi_regional.ksh
to launch the job.
The progress of the job can be monitored by examining the tail of the standard out file in the run directory as specified in the variable
tail stdout
When completed, the contents of this run directory are provided in the following list .
The standard output file
contains the run diagnostics, such as convergence information, and observation distribution from the GSI run. Details of the standard output file are available in section 4.1 of the GSI User's Guide.Information about the use of observations by the analysis, and the corresponding innovations are available from the fit files (named
). The fit files located in the run directory should agree with the following fit files for temperature (fit_t1); wind(fit_w1); moisture (fit_q1); surface pressure (fit_p1); and radiance (fit_rad1); and GPS (fort.212); and radar radial velocity(fort.209).Convergence information is available in the file: fort.220
Visualizing the Analysis
Use the same method as the practical case 3 (ARW 3DVAR) to make plots of the analysis increments. This time, plots will be made for the 2nd level (kmax=1) and level 21 (kmax=20). Once done pdf files GSI_Analysis_increment_1.pdf and GSI_Analysis_increment_20.pdf will be generated in the run directory. Compare these images with the reference solution [level 2 ] and [level 21].
Case 6: Cycling Case
Case 6: Cycling Case cindyhg Tue, 07/16/2019 - 10:56GSI CYCLING RUN ARW BACKGROUND
This exercise illustrate the basic structure and flow of a cycling data assimilation system, as shown in this chart (time doesn't match with the new case). It consists of running the GSI analysis with an ARW netcdf background field, and then the GSI analysis provides the initial fields for running a WRF-ARW forecast. The forecast output can be used as the GSI background for next GSI analysis.
The regional NAM BE is employed as the background error covariance and only conventional observations are assimilated in this example.
There are 4 steps in this GSI-ARW cycling data assimilation exercise:
- Step 1: GSI Data Analysis for 12Z of August 12, 2018. This step is similar to the online exercise ARW 3DVAR with conventional data (PrepBUFR)
- Step 2: WRF-ARW model forecast at 12Z of August 12, 2018, using the GSI analysis from step 1.
- Step 3: GSI Data Analysis for 18Z of August 12, 2018, using the 6-hour forecast output from step 2.
- Step 4: WRF-ARW model forecast at 18Z of August 12, 2018, using the GSI analysis from step 3.
GSI analysis at 12Z
GSI analysis at 12Z cindyhg Tue, 07/16/2019 - 10:57GSI CYCLING RUN ARW BACKGROUND
GSI analysis at 12Z
For this step of GSI analysis at 12Z of August 12, 2018, we will use the GSI analysis output
from the online exercise 03 ARW 3DVAR with conventional data (PrepBUFR) .If you haven't practiced case 03, simply follow the steps in the above link to perform the GSI data assimilation and get the analysis.
Set up WRF-ARW run at 12Z
Set up WRF-ARW run at 12Z cindyhg Tue, 07/16/2019 - 10:58GSI CYCLING RUN ARW BACKGROUND
Set up WRF-ARW run at 12Z
For this step of WRF-ARW run at 12Z of August 12, 2018, we will use the GSI analysis output
from the online exercise 05 as the initial fields to launch 6-hour WRF forecast.First, make sure you have a compiled code of the latest WRF-ARW code (V4.0). You can download the boundary condition for WRF from link .
Please follow the WRF tutorial and documents for the details of the WRF system application.
Here we provide the namelist file for reference of WRF run:
Running the ARW and checking the forecast results
The ARW can be run by creating a run script run_wrf.ksh and submitting it in the run directory:
bsub < run_wrf.ksh
It will take a few minutes to finish. Once done, users should see the forecast files in each forecast hour from 12z to 20z like
.The contents of this run directory are provided in the following list .
The ARW standard output file rsl.out.0000 is povided for reference.
GSI analysis at 18Z
GSI analysis at 18Z cindyhg Tue, 07/16/2019 - 10:58GSI CYCLING RUN ARW BACKGROUND
GSI analysis at 18Z
For this step of GSI analysis at 18Z of August 12, 2018, we will use the 6-hour forecast output from the WRF run at 12Z as the background and conventional observations at 18Z. The steps to set up the GSI analysis is very similar to case 03, except for the background field and observations. The example run script can be found here.
Running the GSI run Script and checking the results
After GSI runs, a run directory will be created according to the path set in the variable
. The contents of this run directory are provided in the following list .The standard output file
and the fit files for this GSI run: temperature (fit_t1); wind (fit_w1); moisture (fit_q1).Convergence information (section 4.6 of the GSI User's Guide) is available in the file: fort.220
WRF-ARW run at 18Z
As a continued data assimilation run, the 18Z GSI analysis from the above step is then used as the initial field, together with the WRF background conditions at 18Z, to launch the WRF forecast at 18Z. The steps are very similar to the WRF run at 12Z and therefore not repeated here.
Case 7: 4D Hybrid EnVar Case
Case 7: 4D Hybrid EnVar Case cindyhg Tue, 07/16/2019 - 10:59GSI 4D HYBRID FOR ARW USING GLOBAL ENSEMBLE FORECAST
This exercise runs the GSI 4 Dimensional Ensemble-Variational (EnVar) hybrid analysis with the ARW background and conventional data at 18z August 12, 2018.
Please note the ARW background field is provided at three time levels in netcdf format from case 6, and the NAM BE is employed as the background error covariance in this experiment. The global ensemble files at three time levels are linked to run this GSI 4DEnVar hybrid test.
Please check the Download Practice Data section if need to obtain the background, observation, and ensemble forecast files.
Setting up the Run Script for GSI 4D hybrid analysis
Setting up the Run Script for GSI 4D hybrid analysis cindyhg Tue, 07/16/2019 - 10:59GSI 4D HYBRID FOR ARW USING GLOBAL ENSEMBLE FORECAST
Setting up the Run Script for GSI 4D hybrid analysis
Copy the sample run script
from the practical case 3 (ARW 3DVAR with PrepBUFR) to a working directory and make the following modifications to run GSI 4D hybrid analysis:
- set the analysis time to
- Set the name/path for the analysis run directory to
WORK_ROOT=${run directory}
- Set the location of the ensemble files in the variable ENS_ROOT=...
- set the
to where you store the background files, WRF forecast at 3 time levels- set the path to the background file at the analysis time
- set to run 4D hybrid analysis
As can be seen in the sample run script, for
${if_4DEnVar} = Yes
, there are two additional background files at 1 hour before and after the analysis time, as specified in the variableBK_FILE_M1
; there are also two additional sets of ensemble files before and after the analysis time, as specified in the variableENSEMBLE_FILE_mem_m1
. Please make sure those variables setup right.An example of this run script is available from the link run_gsi_regional.ksh
Running the Script
Running the Script cindyhg Tue, 07/16/2019 - 11:00GSI 4D HYBRID FOR ARW USING GLOBAL ENSEMBLE FORECAST
Running the Script
If you run on PBS system (Cheyenne), type:
qsub run_gsi_regional.ksh
to launch the job.
The progress of the job can be monitored by examining the tail of the standard out file in the run directory as specified in the variable
tail stdout
When completed, the contents of this run directory are provided in the following list .
Results cindyhg Tue, 07/16/2019 - 11:00GSI 4D HYBRID FOR ARW USING GLOBAL ENSEMBLE FORECAST
The standard output file
contains the run diagnostics, such as convergence information, and observation distribution from the GSI run. Details of the standard output file are available in section 4.1 of the GSI User's Guide.Information about the use of observations by the analysis, and the corresponding innovations are available from the fit files (named
). The fit files located in the run directory should agree with the following fit files for temperature (fit_t1); wind(fit_w1); moisture (fit_q1); surface pressure (fit_p1); and radiance (fit_rad1); and GPS (fort.212); and radar radial velocity(fort.209).Convergence information is available in the file: fort.220
Visualizing the Analysis
Use the same method as the practical case 3 (ARW 3DVAR) to make plots of the analysis increments. This time, plots will be made for the 2nd level (kmax=1) and level 21 (kmax=20). Once done pdf files GSI_Analysis_increment_1.pdf and GSI_Analysis_increment_20.pdf will be genera ted in the run directory. Compare these images with the reference solution [level 2 ] and [level 21].
Other Practical Cases
Other Practical Cases cindyhg Tue, 07/16/2019 - 11:02Exercises
Other Practical Cases
Case 8: GSI analysis for HWRF
Case 8: GSI analysis for HWRF cindyhg Tue, 07/16/2019 - 11:133D HYBRID GSI USING NMM - HURRICANE WRF CASE
The GSI is used for 3D Hybrid Data Assimilation within the Hurricane WRF (HWRF) opertional system, which employes the NMM dynamical core. To run the full HWRF system, see: [HWRF Online Tutorial]
Case 9: Chem case: GSI analysis for WRF-Chem
Case 9: Chem case: GSI analysis for WRF-Chem cindyhg Tue, 07/16/2019 - 11:14GSI CHEMICAL ANALYSIS FOR WRF-CHEM GOCART
Introduction, Background and Data
The GSI has been developed to analyze chemical observations, such as MODIS AOD or PM2.5, to improve the pollution forecast with chemical models.
This exercise introduces running the GSI analysis with WRF-Chem GOCART background and PM2.5 observations.
Please check the Download Practice Data section if need to obtain the background and observation files.
Setup GSI run scripts for chemical analysis
Setup GSI run scripts for chemical analysis cindyhg Tue, 07/16/2019 - 11:15GSI CHEMICAL ANALYSIS FOR WRF-CHEM GOCART
Setup GSI run scripts for chemical analysis
The script
was built based on regional GSI run scripts and has a similar structure to the regional run scriptrun_gsi_regional.ksh
, but include a couple of different details.The first part of the run script sets up the computer environment and case configuration. This is the similar to the regional analysis run scripts, except for the namelist for the chemical application, the specification of the chemical cases (
- Set the analysis date:
- Set the observation file:
- Set the background file:
- Set to use the namelist for chemical analysis:
- Set the core for the background file:
- Set the observation type:
Similar to the regional run script, this chemical run script will also double check the needed parameters. Then it creates a run directory and generates the namelist in the directory and copies the background, observations, and fixed files into the run directory
An example of the run script and namelist is available from the link run_gsi_chem.ksh namelist for chem
Running the GSI Chemical Run script
Running the GSI Chemical Run script cindyhg Tue, 07/16/2019 - 11:15GSI CHEMICAL ANALYSIS FOR WRF-CHEM GOCART
Running the GSI Chemical Run script
If you run on PBS system (Cheyenne), submit the GSI chemical analysis run script:
qsub run_gsi_chem.ksh
When completed, the contents of this run directory are provided in the following list .
The standard output file
contains the run diagnostics, details of the standard output file are available in section 6.2.2 of the GSI User's Guide.Analysis Increments should be checked after successfully running the chemical analysis to see if the data impact are reasonable.
Case 10: Chem case: GSI analysis for CMAQ
Case 10: Chem case: GSI analysis for CMAQ cindyhg Tue, 07/16/2019 - 11:17GSI CHEMICAL ANALYSIS FOR CMAQ
Introduction, Background and Data
The GSI has been developed to analyze chemical observations, such as MODIS AOD or PM2.5, to improve the pollution forecast with chemical models.
This exercise introduces running the GSI analysis with CMAQ background and PM2.5 observations.
Please check the Download Practice Data section if need to obtain the background and observation files.
Setup GSI run scripts for chemical analysis
Setup GSI run scripts for chemical analysis cindyhg Tue, 07/16/2019 - 11:18GSI CHEMICAL ANALYSIS FOR CMAQ
Setup GSI run scripts for chemical analysis
The script
was built based on regional GSI run scripts and has a similar structure to the regional run scriptrun_gsi_regional.ksh
, but include a couple of different details.The first part of the run script sets up the computer environment and case configuration. This is the similar to the regional analysis run scripts, except for the namelist for the chemical application, the specification of the chemical cases (
- Set the analysis date:
- Set the observation file:
- Set the background file:
- Set to use the namelist for chemical analysis:
- Set the core for the background file:
- Set the observation type:
Similar to the regional run script, this chemical run script will also double check the needed parameters. Then it creates a run directory and generates the namelist in the directory and copies the background, observations, and fixed files into the run directory
An example of the run script and namelist is available from the link run_gsi_chem.ksh namelist for chem
Running the GSI Chemical Run script and Results
Running the GSI Chemical Run script and Results cindyhg Tue, 07/16/2019 - 11:19GSI CHEMICAL ANALYSIS FOR CMAQ
Running the GSI Chemical Run script
If you run on PBS system (Cheyenne), submit the GSI chemical analysis run script:
qsub run_gsi_chem.ksh
When completed, the contents of this run directory are provided in the following list .
The standard output file stdout
contains the run diagnostics, details of the standard output file are available in section 6.2.2 of the GSI User's Guide.
Case 11: GFS case: GSI Analysis for GFS
Case 11: GFS case: GSI Analysis for GFS cindyhg Tue, 07/16/2019 - 11:22SET UP GSI GLOBAL ANALYSIS
This exercise consists of running the GSI 3DVar analysis with T62 global (GFS) background field, conventional data from prepbufr, satellite radiances, and gpsro data.
Background and Data
The global background files are:
surface forecast files at 3 time levels: 3, 6, 9 hours
sfcf03 sfcf06 sfcf09
atmosphere forecast files at 3 time levels: 3, 6, 9 hours
sigf03 sigf06 sigf09
The observation files are:
prepbufr (conventional data)
airsbufr (gdas1.t06z.airsev.tm00.bufr_d)
gomebufr (gdas1.t06z.gome.tm00.bufr_d)
gsnd1bufr (gdas1.t06z.goesfv.tm00.bufr_d)
iasibufr (gdas1.t06z.mtiasi.tm00.bufr_d)
sbuvbufr (gdas1.t06z.osbuv8.tm00.bufr_d)
ssmisbufr (gdas1.t06z.spssmi.tm00.bufr_d)
amsuabufr (gdas1.t06z.1bamua.tm00.bufr_d)
gpsrobufr (gdas1.t06z.gpsro.tm00.bufr_d)
hirs4bufr (gdas1.t06z.1bhrs4.tm00.bufr_d)
mhsbufr (gdas1.t06z.1bmhs.tm00.bufr_d)
seviribufr (gdas1.t06z.sevcsr.tm00.bufr_d)
tmirrbufr (gdas1.t06z.sptrmm.tm00.bufr_d)
Please check the Downloading Practice Data section if need to obtain the background and observation files.
Set up GSI Global Analysis
Set up GSI Global AnalysisSetting up the Run Script
For this exercise, we will use run script
provided with the release package under ./ush directory.Based on an example environment, make the following modifications to the script
- In section "case set up (users should change this part)":
An example of this run script is available from the link run_gsi_global.ksh
- specify the analysis date:
- specify the global case:
- specify the run directory:
- specify the location of the background files:
- specify the location of the observations:
Run Script and Results
Run Script and ResultsRunning the Script
Here, GSI global is run as a 4-core MPI job. If you run on PBS system (Cheyenne), Use:
qsub run_gsi_global.ksh
to launch the job.
The run script will create an output or run directory according to the path set in the variable
. The contents of this run directory are provided in the following list.Results
The standard output file
contains the run diagnostics, such as convergence information, and observation distribution from the GSI run. Details of the standard output file are available in section 4.1 of the GSI User's Guide.Information about the use of observations by the analysis, and the corresponding innovations are available from the fit files (named
). The fit files located in the run directory should agree with the following fit files for temperature (fit_t1); wind (fit_w1); moisture (fit_q1); surface pressure (fit_p1); and radiance (fit_rad1); and GPS (fort.212).Convergence information (section 4.6 of the GSI User's Guide) is available in the file: fort.220
Docker for GSI
Docker for GSI cindyhg Tue, 07/16/2019 - 11:26DOCKER FOR GSI/ENKF PRACTICE
Docker image for GSI/EnKF
A docker container image is available in GSI/EnKF Download page for users to practice GSI and EnKF on-line tutorial cases under Docker container. This image includes all necessory software environments for running GSI/EnKF and is provided for practice running on-line cases only.
Note: Users need to have docker correctly installed and know how to run docker. We don't have resources to support docker and its usage, including the image we released.
Run GSI/EnKF within Docker
Please check README.GSI_Docker in the release tarball for an introduction on using this docker container.