load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclex/gsun/gsn_code.ncl" load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl" begin ; cdf_analysis = addfile("!ANALYSIS!.cdf","r") cdf_analysis = addfile("./wrf_inout.cdf","r") cdf_bk = addfile("/gpfs/fs1/p/ral/jntp/DAtask/chunhua/GSI/MPMC-20181029/MPMC/b_comGSIv3.7_ef206b97/cg02.gnu_7.3.0.openmpi_3.0.1/run/case06-wrfprd/wrfout_d01_2018-08-12_18:00:00.cdf","r") Ta = cdf_analysis->T(0,:,:,:) Tb = cdf_bk->T(0,:,:,:) DT = Ta - Tb delete(Ta) delete(Tb) Ta = cdf_analysis->U(0,:,:,:) Tb = cdf_bk->U(0,:,:,:) DU = Ta - Tb delete(Ta) delete(Tb) Ta = cdf_analysis->V(0,:,:,:) Tb = cdf_bk->V(0,:,:,:) DV = Ta - Tb delete(Ta) delete(Tb) Ta = cdf_analysis->QVAPOR(0,:,:,:) Tb = cdf_bk->QVAPOR(0,:,:,:) DQ = Ta - Tb delete(Ta) delete(Tb) DQ = DQ * 1000.0 landmask = cdf_bk->LANDMASK(0,:,:) dsizes = getfiledimsizes(cdf_bk) nx = dsizes(2) ny = dsizes(3) nz = dsizes(4) lat=cdf_bk->XLAT(0,:,:) lon=cdf_bk->XLONG(0,:,:) lat_ll = lat(0,0) lat_ur = lat(ny-1,nx-1) lon_ll = lon(0,0) lon_ur = lon(ny-1,nx-1) f2dv = new ((/nz,nx/), typeof(DT)) f2dh = new ((/ny,nx/), typeof(DT)) ; rmax = -9999.0 ; do k=0, nz-1 ; do j=0, ny-1 ; do i=0, nx-1 ; if (rmax .le. DT(k,j,i)) then ; rmax=DT(k,j,i) ; imax=i ; jmax=j ; kmax=k ; end if ; end do ; end do ; end do ; print(rmax) ; print(imax) ; print(jmax) ; print(kmax) ; kmax=15 titles = new(4,string) titles(0)="T inc, XY" titles(1)="U inc, XY" titles(2)="V inc, XY" titles(3)="Q inc, XY" plot = new(4,graphic) xwks = gsn_open_wks("pdf","Analysis_increment_"+kmax) ; xwks = gsn_open_wks("x11","gsun01n") gsn_define_colormap(xwks,"cosam12") resources = True ; plot mods desired resources@gsnDraw = False ; Do not draw plot resources@gsnFrame = False ; Do not advance frame resources@cnMonoLineColor = False resources@cnFillOn = False ; resources@cnFillOn = True resources@gsnContourNegLineDashPattern = 1 ; negtive line use dash ; map resources@sfXArray = lon resources@sfYArray = lat if ( cdf_bk@MAP_PROJ .eq. 1 ) then mapproj = "LambertConformal" truelat1 = cdf_bk@TRUELAT1 truelat2 = cdf_bk@TRUELAT2 clon = cdf_bk@STAND_LON end if if ( cdf_bk@MAP_PROJ .eq. 2 ) then mapproj = "Stereographic" truelat1 = cdf_bk@TRUELAT1 truelat2 = cdf_bk@TRUELAT2 clon = cdf_bk@CEN_LON clat = cdf_bk@CEN_LAT end if if ( cdf_bk@MAP_PROJ .eq. 3 ) then mapproj = "Mercator" end if resources@mpProjection = mapproj ; choose projection if ( mapproj .eq. "LambertConformal" ) then resources@mpLambertParallel1F = truelat1 ; two parallels resources@mpLambertParallel2F = truelat2 resources@mpLambertMeridianF = clon ; central meridian end if if ( mapproj .eq. "Stereographic" ) then resources@mpCenterLatF = clat resources@mpCenterLonF = clon end if resources@mpLimitMode = "Corners" resources@mpLeftCornerLatF = lat_ll resources@mpLeftCornerLonF = lon_ll resources@mpRightCornerLatF = lat_ur resources@mpRightCornerLonF = lon_ur resources@pmTickMarkDisplayMode = "Always" resources@mpFillOn = False ; turn off map fill resources@mpOutlineDrawOrder = "PostDraw" ; continent outline last resources@mpOutlineBoundarySets = "GeophysicalAndUSStates" ; state boundaries resources@mpGridAndLimbOn = False ; turn off lat/lon lines resources@mpPerimOn = True resources@pmLabelBarDisplayMode = "Always" ; Turn on label bar. resources@lbPerimOn = False ; Turn off perimeter on label bar. ; resources@cnLevelSpacingF = 0.2 plot(0) = gsn_contour_map(xwks, DT(kmax,:,:), resources) do j=0, ny-1 do i=0, nx-1 f2dh(j,i) = (DU(kmax,j,i) + DU(kmax,j,i+1))/2.0 end do end do ; resources@cnLevelSpacingF = 1.0 plot(1) = gsn_contour_map(xwks, f2dh, resources) do j=0, ny-1 do i=0, nx-1 f2dh(j,i) = (DV(kmax,j,i) + DV(kmax,j+1,i))/2.0 end do end do ; resources@cnLevelSpacingF = 1.0 plot(2) = gsn_contour_map(xwks, f2dh, resources) ; resources@cnLevelSpacingF = 0.1 plot(3) = gsn_contour_map(xwks, DQ(kmax,:,:), resources) resourcesP = True ; plot mods desired resourcesP@gsnPanelFigureStrings = titles resourcesP@gsnPanelFigureStringsFontHeightF = 0.01 resourcesP@amJust = "TopLeft" resourcesP@gsnPanelFigureStringsPerimOn = False gsn_panel(xwks,plot,(/2,2/),resourcesP) delete(plot) delete(resourcesP) ; plot landmask to make sure the map info is correct resources@gsnDraw = True resources@gsnFrame = True resources@cnLevelSpacingF = 1 resources@cnFillOn = True resources@cnLineLabelsOn = False resources@tiMainString = " LANDMASK" plotm=gsn_contour_map(xwks, landmask(:,:), resources) delete(resources) end