
Results cindyhg Tue, 07/16/2019 - 10:49



The standard output file stdout contains the run diagnostics, such as convergence information, and observation distribution from the GSI run. Details of the standard output file are available in section 4.1 of the GSI User's Guide.

Information about the use of observations by the analysis, and the corresponding innovations are available from the fit files (named fort.2*). The fit files located in the run directory should agree with the following fit files for temperature (fit_t1); wind(fit_w1); moisture (fit_q1); surface pressure (fit_p1); and radiance (fit_rad1); and GPS (fort.212); and radar radial velocity(fort.209).

Convergence information is available in the file: fort.220

Visualizing the Analysis

The model analysis may be visualized through modifying the ncl script Analysis_increment.ncl provided with the community GSI under ./util/Analysis_Utilities/plots_ncl. This script plots the analysis increments from conventional observations at at level 1 and 20.

To visualize your output, copy the ncl script to run directory and make the following changes:

  • Set: cdf_analysis = addfile("wrf_inout.cdf","r") to point to analysis results
  • Set: cdf_bk = addfile("${PATH}/wrf_inout.cdf","r") to point to background file.
  • Set: kmax=1 for plot at level 2 or 20 for plot at level 21

The sample scripts for these plots can be found at GSI_Analysis_increment.ncl


Once you have customized the script for your output directory, run the script with the command:
ncl GSI_Analysis_increment.ncl 
Once done a pdf file GSI_Analysis_increment_20.pdf will be generated for 21 level analysis increment in the run directory. Compare these images with the reference solution [PDF]. Here is reference for the 2nd level [PDF].