EMC Training | Day 1 Basics > Run a C96 Example Case

Now that you have successfully compiled the NEMSfv3gfs code, use these instructions to run a simple case using the CCPP and a SDF (suite definition file).

This example uses a low-resolution global grid (C96), and the operational (2017) GFS physics suite.  The directory may be copied to any local/personal working directory.

Copy this example directory (theia) into your work space:

cp -r /scratch4/BMC/gmtb/emc_training_march_2019/handson_day1/fv3_ccpp_control .

cd fv3_ccpp_control 


Edit the batch script to use your own project account:  run_ccpp.sh


Link (or copy) your executable into this run directory:

ln -s ${YOUR_WORK_DIR}/NEMSfv3gfs/tests/fv3_ccpp1.exe fv3.exe


Submit the run script to the batch queue:

qsub run_ccpp.sh


  1. Look at input.nml --- find the ccpp_suite file name listed there
  2. Note that there is a CCPP SDF file (suite_FV3_GFS_2017_updated.xml) in this directory.  Because we compiled the static build, this SDF file MUST MATCH the one used to compile (see previous step)
  3. Once the job has finished, the usual various log and output files are available for review
  • job log output is in out and err
  • forecast files are in NetCDF format, native grid (6 tiles), and dyn and phys (3d and 2d) fields, i.e.
    • phyf018.tile1.nc
    • dynf015.tile1.nc