# METplus v4.0.0 Tutorial Setup Script for bash # IMPORTANT: Change each instance of "/path/to" to the appropriate location # Directory to store tutorial files - configurations, output, notes, etc. export METPLUS_TUTORIAL_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd )" # Path to the METplus installation location export METPLUS_BUILD_BASE=/path/to/METplus-4.0.0 # Path to the MET installation location export MET_BUILD_BASE=/path/to/met-10.0.0 # Path to input data required for running use cases export METPLUS_DATA=/path/to/METplus_Data # Add METplus ush directory and MET bin directory to the path # This allows you to run METplus without specifying the full path export PATH=${METPLUS_BUILD_BASE}/ush:${MET_BUILD_BASE}/bin:${PATH}