//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // STAT-Analysis configuration file. // // For additional information, see the MET_BASE/config/README file. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Filtering input STAT lines by the contents of each column // model = []; desc = []; fcst_lead = []; obs_lead = []; fcst_valid_beg = ""; fcst_valid_end = ""; fcst_valid_hour = []; obs_valid_beg = ""; obs_valid_end = ""; obs_valid_hour = []; fcst_init_beg = ""; fcst_init_end = ""; fcst_init_hour = []; obs_init_beg = ""; obs_init_end = ""; obs_init_hour = []; fcst_var = []; obs_var = []; fcst_units = []; obs_units = []; fcst_lev = []; obs_lev = []; obtype = []; vx_mask = []; interp_mthd = []; interp_pnts = []; fcst_thresh = []; obs_thresh = []; cov_thresh = []; alpha = []; line_type = []; column = []; weight = []; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Array of STAT-Analysis jobs to be performed on the filtered data // jobs = [ "-job filter -dump_row ./filter_job.stat" ]; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Confidence interval settings // out_alpha = 0.05; boot = { interval = PCTILE; rep_prop = 1.0; n_rep = 0; rng = "mt19937"; seed = ""; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // WMO mean computation logic // wmo_sqrt_stats = [ "CNT:FSTDEV", "CNT:OSTDEV", "CNT:ESTDEV", "CNT:RMSE", "CNT:RMSFA", "CNT:RMSOA", "VCNT:FS_RMS", "VCNT:OS_RMS", "VCNT:RMSVE", "VCNT:FSTDEV", "VCNT:OSTDEV" ]; wmo_fisher_stats = [ "CNT:PR_CORR", "CNT:SP_CORR", "CNT:KT_CORR", "CNT:ANOM_CORR" ]; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// rank_corr_flag = FALSE; vif_flag = FALSE; tmp_dir = "/tmp"; version = "V8.1"; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////