//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Ensemble-Stat configuration file. // // For additional information, see the MET_BASE/config/README file. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Output model name to be written // model = "WRF"; // // Output description to be written // May be set separately in each "obs.field" entry // desc = "NA"; // // Output observation type to be written // obtype = "ANALYS"; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Verification grid // May be set separately in each "field" entry // regrid = { to_grid = NONE; method = NEAREST; width = 1; vld_thresh = 0.5; shape = SQUARE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // May be set separately in each "field" entry // censor_thresh = []; censor_val = []; cat_thresh = []; nc_var_str = ""; // // Ensemble product fields to be processed // ens = { ens_thresh = 1.0; vld_thresh = 1.0; field = [ { name = "APCP"; level = "A03"; cat_thresh = [ >0.0, >=5.0 ]; } ]; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Forecast and observation fields to be verified // fcst = { field = [ { name = "APCP"; level = [ "A03" ]; } ]; } obs = fcst; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Point observation filtering options // May be set separately in each "obs.field" entry // message_type = [ "ADPUPA" ]; sid_exc = []; obs_thresh = [ NA ]; obs_quality = []; duplicate_flag = NONE; obs_summary = NONE; obs_perc_value = 50; skip_const = FALSE; // // Observation error options // Set dist_type to NONE to use the observation error table instead // May be set separately in each "obs.field" entry // obs_error = { flag = FALSE; // TRUE or FALSE dist_type = NONE; // Distribution type dist_parm = []; // Distribution parameters inst_bias_scale = 1.0; // Instrument bias scale adjustment inst_bias_offset = 0.0; // Instrument bias offset adjustment min = NA; // Valid range of data max = NA; } // // Mapping of message type group name to comma-separated list of values. // message_type_group_map = [ { key = "SURFACE"; val = "ADPSFC,SFCSHP,MSONET"; }, { key = "ANYAIR"; val = "AIRCAR,AIRCFT"; }, { key = "ANYSFC"; val = "ADPSFC,SFCSHP,ADPUPA,PROFLR,MSONET"; }, { key = "ONLYSF"; val = "ADPSFC,SFCSHP"; } ]; // // Ensemble bin sizes // May be set separately in each "obs.field" entry // ens_ssvar_bin_size = 1.0; ens_phist_bin_size = 0.05; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Climatology mean data // climo_mean = { file_name = []; field = []; regrid = { method = NEAREST; width = 1; vld_thresh = 0.5; shape = SQUARE; } time_interp_method = DW_MEAN; match_month = TRUE; match_day = FALSE; time_step = 21600; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Point observation time window // obs_window = { beg = -5400; end = 5400; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Verification masking regions // mask = { grid = [ "FULL" ]; poly = []; sid = []; llpnt = []; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Confidence interval settings // ci_alpha = [ 0.05 ]; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Interpolation methods // interp = { field = BOTH; vld_thresh = 1.0; shape = SQUARE; type = [ { method = NEAREST; width = 1; } ]; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Statistical output types // output_flag = { ecnt = NONE; rhist = NONE; phist = NONE; orank = NONE; ssvar = NONE; relp = NONE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Ensemble product output types // ensemble_flag = { latlon = TRUE; mean = TRUE; stdev = TRUE; minus = TRUE; plus = TRUE; min = TRUE; max = TRUE; range = TRUE; vld_count = TRUE; frequency = TRUE; rank = TRUE; weight = FALSE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Random number generator // rng = { type = "mt19937"; seed = ""; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// grid_weight_flag = NONE; output_prefix = ""; version = "V8.1"; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////