//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Default ascii2nc configuration file // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // The parameters listed below are used to summarize the ASCII data read in // // // Time periods for the summarization // obs_var (string array) is added and works like grib_code (int array) // when the obs name is given instead of grib_code // time_summary = { flag = FALSE; raw_data = FALSE; beg = "000000"; end = "235959"; step = 300; width = 600; grib_code = [ 11, 204, 211 ]; obs_var = []; type = [ "min", "max", "range", "mean", "stdev", "median", "p80" ]; vld_freq = 0; vld_thresh = 0.0; } // // Mapping of input little_r report types to output message types // message_type_map = [ { key = "FM-12 SYNOP"; val = "ADPSFC"; }, { key = "FM-13 SHIP"; val = "SFCSHP"; }, { key = "FM-15 METAR"; val = "ADPSFC"; }, { key = "FM-18 BUOY"; val = "SFCSHP"; }, { key = "FM-281 QSCAT"; val = "ASCATW"; }, { key = "FM-32 PILOT"; val = "ADPUPA"; }, { key = "FM-35 TEMP"; val = "ADPUPA"; }, { key = "FM-88 SATOB"; val = "SATWND"; }, { key = "FM-97 ACARS"; val = "AIRCFT"; } ]; // // Indicate a version number for the contents of this configuration file. // The value should generally not be modified. // version = "V8.0";