
Run griggs Wed, 04/24/2019 - 15:40

Next, run the MODE-Analysis tool on the command line using the following command:

mode_analysis \
-lookin $MET_TUTORIAL_DATA/output/mode \
-bycase -fcst -single -simple

The MODE-Analysis tool searches recursively through the -lookin directory for MODE output files ending in _obj.txt. The -bycase job filters the object information and keeps track of object counts and areas. The output lists total matched/unmatched object areas and counts.

Now run a similar command for the simple observation objects:

mode_analysis \
-lookin $MET_TUTORIAL_DATA/output/mode \
-bycase -obs -single -simple

Compare the forecast and observation object counts and areas.

Now run the following command:

mode_analysis \
-lookin $MET_TUTORIAL_DATA/output/mode \
-bycase -single -simple

Here, the numbers of matched and unmatched forecast and observation objects are listed but their areas are summed together. Lastly, run the following summary job type and dump the MODE lines used to a file and the output of MODE-Analysis to a file:

mode_analysis \
-lookin $MET_TUTORIAL_DATA/output/mode \
-summary -simple -pair \
-column CENTROID_DIST -column ANGLE_DIFF -column AREA_RATIO -column INTEREST \
-dump_row $MET_TUTORIAL_DATA/output/mode_analysis/summary_job.dump \
-out $MET_TUTORIAL_DATA/output/mode_analysis/summary_job.out

For all of the pairs of simple objects in the summary_job.dump file (FNNN_ONNN), summary information is computed for the CENTROID_DIST, ANGLE_DIFF, AREA_RATIO, and total INTEREST columns and put in the summary_job.out file.