
Output griggs Wed, 04/24/2019 - 15:28

The output of Series-Analysis is one NetCDF file containing the requested output statistics for each grid location on the same grid as the input files.

You may view the output NetCDF file that Series-Analysis wrote using the ncdump utility (if available on your machine). Run the following command to view the header of the NetCDF output file:

ncdump -h $MET_TUTORIAL_DATA/output/series_analysis/series_analysis_2005080700_2005080800_3A.nc

In the NetCDF header, we see that the file contains 13 arrays of data. For each threshold (>0.0 and >=5.0), there are values for the requested statistics: F_RATE, O_RATE, FY_OY, FN_ON, CSI, and GSS. The file also produced the requested RMSE for each grid location over the 24-hour period.

Next, run the ncview utility to display the contents of the NetCDF output file:

ncview $MET_TUTORIAL_DATA/output/series_analysis/series_analysis_2005080700_2005080800_3A.nc

Click through the different variables to see how the performance varies over the domain. Looking at the series_cnt_RMSE variable, are the errors larger in the south eastern or north western regions of the United States?