Recommended Software

Recommended Software griggs Tue, 04/23/2019 - 15:35

While not required to build MET, the following utilities are strongly recommended for use with MET:

Unified Post-Processor

The Unified Post-Processor is recommended for post-processing the raw WRF model output prior to verifying the data with MET. MET can easily read gridded data in GRIB1 format on a standard, de-staggered grid and on pressure levels. These requirements match the Unified Post-Processor output format. The Unified Post-Processor may be used on output from both the ARW and NMM cores. It is available for download via the WRF-NMM Downloads Page and installation instructions are available via the WRF-NMM Documentation Page.

WRF-ARW wrf_interp Tool

MET can also read the NetCDF output of the wrf_interp tool for WRF-ARW output. However, support for wrf_interp data is limited to those variables defined on non-staggered dimensions. MET cannot read wind data from wrf_interp files since they are staggered.

copygb Utility

Beginning with version 5.1, the MET software includes support for automated regridding on the fly. However, users may still find it convenient to regrid their data prior to passing it to the MET tools. The copygb utility is recommended for re-gridding model and observation datasets in GRIB1 format to a common verification grid. The copygb utility is distributed as part of the Unified Post-Processor and is also available from the NOAA Climate Predication Center.

wgrib2 Utility

The wgrib2 utility is recommended for re-gridding model and observation datasets in GRIB2 format to a common verification grid. The wgrib2 utility is distributed by the NOAA Climate Predication Center.