Day 1 Basics
Day 1 Basics carson Mon, 03/04/2019 - 14:41These sections will focus on the the basics of getting the code, compiling it, and running a couple of small cases.
- Get the code
- Compile the code
- Run a C96 test case
- Run an alternate configuration
- Optional: compile using a different build option
Get the Code
Get the Code carson Fri, 02/22/2019 - 10:20These instructions will allow users to download the current NEMSfv3gfs source code including CCPP capabilities. The authoritative repositories are located on, in the NCAR organizational space. We will be using the NOAA RDHPCS system, theia, for these exercises!
If you are not familiar with git, please refer to the following pages:
Start by going into a working directory in your project space, i.e.
Next, clone the top-level git repository and all of it's submodules, checking out the appropriate tag (emc_training_march_2019)
git clone --recursive -b emc_training_march_2019
Note. Potential errors while checking out the submodule NCEPLIBS-pyprodutil (e.g., "gerrit: Name or service not known") can be ignored.
You will now have a local working copy of the source code:
cd NEMSfv3gfs
GitHub Authentication
GitHub Authentication carson Wed, 03/13/2019 - 06:51Using github via command line with two factor authentication.
Step 1: Make a token. Instructions are here under "Creating a token"
Step 2: You will get a long, hexadecimal, number. Store it somewhere. This is your token, and password. If you are storing it on a shared machine, like Theia, then make sure you:
chmod 400 /path/to/token.txt
Step 3: When using github:
git ... whatever command ...
Enter your github username: ... give it your github username ...
Password ...enter the token from Step 2.
If you are not using two-factor authentication and you are tired of typing your username/password: - from within a local github directory, type
git config --global credential.helper store
Next time you checkout code, enter username and password and they will be stored automatically - see
Compile the Code
Compile the Code carson Fri, 02/22/2019 - 10:27Compile the code
This exercise will compile the NEMSfv3gfs code with CCPP in static mode, using the control physics suite (operational/Zhao-Carr microphysics). An optional second step will recompile and run with the GFDL microphysics (updated control).
Using the same build mechanisms as the baseline NEMSfv3gfs,
cd tests/
- For bash shell
./ $PWD/../FV3 "CCPP=Y HYBRID=N STATIC=Y SUITE=suite_FV3_GFS_2017_updated.xml" ccpp1 YES NO 2>&1 | tee compile1.log
- For t/csh shell
./ $PWD/../FV3 "CCPP=Y HYBRID=N STATIC=Y SUITE=suite_FV3_GFS_2017_updated.xml" ccpp1 YES NO |& tee compile1.log
- The script takes up to 6 arguments.
PATHTR BUILD_TARGET [ MAKE_OPT [ BUILD_NR ] [ clean_before ] [ clean_after ]
- so, in the example command-line given above,
- PATHTR = $PWD/../FV3
- MAKE_OPT = "CCPP=Y HYBRID=N STATIC=Y SUITE=suite_FV3_GFS_2017_updated.xml"
- BUILD_NR (name of the fv3.exe executable) = ccpp1 (fv3_ccpp1.exe)
- clean_before = YES
- clean_after = NO
While the code is compiling, review the SDF file, which can be found in the ccpp/suites directory:
cat ../ccpp/suites/suite_FV3_GFS_2017_updated.xml
Note the use of interstitial code (this was/is in GFS_physics_driver!) in addition to the physics schemes.
While the code is compiling, you may start setting up the case run directory (next page).
Completed compilation
The result of the script will be an executable named fv3_ccpp1.exe in the tests/ subdirectory.
The log file will show how the CCPP is compiled, and what flags are used in the NEMSfv3gfs build to include CCPP.
The compilation (on theia) generally takes about 15 minutes.
Run a C96 Example Case
Run a C96 Example Case carson Wed, 02/27/2019 - 15:55Now that you have successfully compiled the NEMSfv3gfs code, use these instructions to run a simple case using the CCPP and a SDF (suite definition file).
This example uses a low-resolution global grid (C96), and the operational (2017) GFS physics suite. The directory may be copied to any local/personal working directory.
Copy this example directory (theia) into your work space:
cp -r /scratch4/BMC/gmtb/emc_training_march_2019/handson_day1/fv3_ccpp_control .
cd fv3_ccpp_control
Edit the batch script to use your own project account:
Link (or copy) your executable into this run directory:
ln -s ${YOUR_WORK_DIR}/NEMSfv3gfs/tests/fv3_ccpp1.exe fv3.exe
Submit the run script to the batch queue:
- Look at input.nml --- find the ccpp_suite file name listed there
- Note that there is a CCPP SDF file (suite_FV3_GFS_2017_updated.xml) in this directory. Because we compiled the static build, this SDF file MUST MATCH the one used to compile (see previous step)
- Once the job has finished, the usual various log and output files are available for review
- job log output is in out and err
- forecast files are in NetCDF format, native grid (6 tiles), and dyn and phys (3d and 2d) fields, i.e.
Run an Alternate Physics Suite
Run an Alternate Physics Suite carson Wed, 02/27/2019 - 16:18The code used in the first example was compiled using the CCPP static build option, which has the best timing/memory performance. However, this means that you will need to recompile to run a different suite.
In this exercise, you will compile and run the code using the GFDL microphysics instead of the Zhao-Carr microphysics used in the first example.
Repeat the steps in the Compile section of the first example, this time using the following SDF:
- For bash shell
./ $PWD/../FV3 "CCPP=Y HYBRID=N STATIC=Y SUITE=suite_FV3_GFS_2017_updated_gfdlmp.xml" ccpp2 YES NO 2>&1 | tee compile2.log
- For t/csh shell
./ $PWD/../FV3 "CCPP=Y HYBRID=N STATIC=Y SUITE=suite_FV3_GFS_2017_updated_gfdlmp.xml" ccpp2 YES NO |& tee compile2.log
Compare this SDF with the one used in the previous exercise - you will see a change in the physics parameterizations called in the suite.
Copy a new run directory, fv3_ccpp_gfdlmp, and follow the same steps.
cp -r /scratch4/BMC/gmtb/emc_training_march_2019/handson_day1/fv3_ccpp_gfdlmp .
cd fv3_ccpp_gfdlmp
Edit the batch script to use your own project account:
Link (or copy) your executable into this run directory:
ln -s ${YOUR_WORK_DIR}/NEMSfv3gfs/tests/fv3_ccpp2.exe fv3.exe
Submit the run script to the batch queue:
NOTE: the only difference between these two cases, are the SDF and the namelist input.nml.
Compile Using a Different Build Option
Compile Using a Different Build Option carson Wed, 03/06/2019 - 12:09OPTIONAL exercise:
Re-compile using the "STATIC=N" option, and run each of these cases using the new executable. With the dynamic build option (STATIC=N), different SDFs can be used at runtime with the same executable.
Be sure to use the "clean-before" option YES, so that the code and libraries are recompiled correctly! This is the 5th argument to
Repeat the steps in the Compile section of the first example, this time using the dynamic build (no build-time SDF needed).
- For bash shell
./ $PWD/../FV3 "CCPP=Y HYBRID=N STATIC=N " ccpp3 YES NO 2>&1 | tee compile.log
- For t/csh shell
./ $PWD/../FV3 "CCPP=Y HYBRID=N STATIC=N" ccpp3 YES NO |& tee compile.log
You may re-use the previous run directories (fv3_ccpp_control or fv3_ccpp_gfdl) to run either case with this dynamic executable.
Link (or copy) your dynamic executable into this run directory:
rm fv3.exe
ln -s ${YOUR_WORK_DIR}/NEMSfv3gfs/tests/fv3_ccpp3.exe fv3.exe
When using the dynamic build options, be sure to add the ccpp library path to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH envar. For example, in this run directory, in the file file, update:
Submit the run script to the batch queue: