Run an Alternate Physics Suite

Run an Alternate Physics Suite carson Wed, 02/27/2019 - 16:18

The code used in the first example was compiled using the CCPP static build option, which has the best timing/memory performance.  However, this means that you will need to recompile to run a different suite.


In this exercise, you will compile and run the code using the GFDL microphysics instead of the Zhao-Carr microphysics used in the first example.



Repeat the steps in the Compile section of the first example, this time using the following SDF:


  • For bash shell

./ $PWD/../FV3 "CCPP=Y HYBRID=N STATIC=Y SUITE=suite_FV3_GFS_2017_updated_gfdlmp.xml" ccpp2 YES NO 2>&1 | tee compile2.log

  • For t/csh shell

./ $PWD/../FV3 "CCPP=Y HYBRID=N STATIC=Y SUITE=suite_FV3_GFS_2017_updated_gfdlmp.xml" ccpp2 YES NO |& tee compile2.log

Compare this SDF with the one used in the previous exercise - you will see a change in the physics parameterizations called in the suite.



Copy a new run directory, fv3_ccpp_gfdlmp, and follow the same steps.

cp -r /scratch4/BMC/gmtb/emc_training_march_2019/handson_day1/fv3_ccpp_gfdlmp .

cd fv3_ccpp_gfdlmp


Edit the batch script to use your own project account:


Link (or copy) your executable into this run directory:

ln -s ${YOUR_WORK_DIR}/NEMSfv3gfs/tests/fv3_ccpp2.exe fv3.exe


Submit the run script to the batch queue:


NOTE:  the only difference between these two cases, are the SDF and the namelist input.nml.