Create Your Own EC2 instance

Create Your Own EC2 instance

Create Your Own METplus EC2 Instance

You can also create your own EC2 instance if you have access to your own AWS account and space.

Log into your AWS dashboard
Click on the AMI Catalog link in the left column of the dashboard
Change your region in the upper right corner to Us East (N. Virginia)
Type METplus in the search box

In the community AMIs tab there will be a list of prior and current METplus tutorials.

Click on the select button next to METplus 5.0 Tutorial
Click on the button labeled Launch Instance with AMI

You should see a screen similar to the one below.

Fill in the Name and Tags box

You should create a name that is descriptive and unique like METplus 5.0 <Your Name>.

Pre Filled Fields:

AMI from catalog – METplus 5.0 Tutorial

Instance type – t2.microo

Configure storage – 24 GIB gp2

fields should all be populated and not necessary to change

Fields To Edit:

The Key pair field needs to be chosen. You will have already set up a key pair when you created your AWS space which is out of the scope of this tutorial.

Select the drop down menu and pick the key pair you wish to use

The Network settings field area can be used as is but we suggest changing the

Allow SSH traffic from:

from Anywhere to either Custom or MY IP

This will limit access to this EC2 instance from much smaller subset than the entire internet.

Click on the “launch instance” button on the right hand column.

The right hand column should have a summary of the choices you made above.

Once launched you will see a screen similar to below.

There are now two ways to get the ip address to your currently running EC2 instance.

1. Click on the box labeled “Connect to your instance”

Something similar to the image below should pop up and your ip address should be listed.

2. Navigate to the your EC2 dashboard and look at the running instances
Click on the Instance ID link for your newly created instance that hopefully has a descriptive name and you will see the ip address contained in the screen it takes you to.

You may now connect to your EC2 instance the same way as you would if you were given an ip by the tutorial manager.


fisherh Tue, 02/07/2023 - 09:17
