METplus Use Case: EnsembleStat with multiple variable and leads
METplus Use Case: EnsembleStat with multiple variable and leadsThis use case takes the PB2NC tool and combines it with the Ensemble-Stat tool, analyzing multiple forecast fields and producing ensemble relative frequencies.
Optional: Refer to the METplus Config Glossary section of the METplus Users Guide for a reference to METplus variables used in this use case.
Review the use case configuration file: EnsembleStat_fcstHRRRE_obsHRRRE_Sfc_MultiField.conf
Open the file and look at all of the configuration variables that are defined.
Note that in this use case, the PB2NC GenEnsProd, and EnsembleStat tools will be called:
Another important aspect of this use case is its use of lead times. While INIT_BEG and INIT_END are the same, there are three leads listed:
And that controls what files are looked at in the EnsembleStat call:
Given the lead times and INIT time, the tools will loop over the following valid times:
20180709 at 12z
20180709 at 13z
20180709 at 14z
The run time for this use case is expected to be longer, due to the multiple lead times, two MET tools, and 6 variables at multiple thresholds being analyzed.
Run the use case:
${METPLUS_BUILD_BASE}/parm/use_cases/model_applications/short_range/EnsembleStat_fcstHRRRE_obsHRRRE_Sfc_MultiField.conf \
${METPLUS_TUTORIAL_DIR}/tutorial.conf \
METplus is finished running when control returns to your terminal console and you see the following text:
Review the output files:
You should have two directories of interest:
- EnsembleStat
These two directories correspond to the output directories for two of the tools in the configuration file:
Take a look at the output from PB2NC first:
You'll see 3 output files, corresponding to the three lead times that were run. These files were read in by the EnsembleStat call and processed for statistics. Taking a look at those files we see a lot of output:
Each lead time is responsible for producing 8 files, for a total of 24 files. These were all requested with the ENSEMBLE_STAT_OUTPUT_FLAG options, with the exception of the .stat and .nc files.
Compare the netCDF output to the .stat output:
To better understand the difference between the FCST and ENS entries in the configuration file used by the EnsembleStat and GenEnsProd tools respectively, take a look at the netCDF file for the first lead time (0):
You'll notice that the majority of the extensive variables listed have the words "ENS_FREQ". This is because those variables were called with the ENSEMBLE_FLAG options: GenEnsProd will provide a summary of all fields requested across the ensemble for those ENS_VAR<n> variables.
Now look at the .stat file for the same lead time:
In the VX_MASK column, the four mask files requested are listed, along with the various line types that were requested (listed in the LINE_TYPE column). What's important to note is the lack of variable variety that was present in the netCDF: in fact, the only variable listed is TMP at the Z2 level. That's because in the configuration file, only 1 variable was requested with the FCST_VAR<n> options, and only those variables will be used for verification.